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Тимофей Милорадович
Sep 7, 20221 min read
History / IELTS Speaking task 1
Do you like history? Yes, I like History, but not in the way it is written in the textbooks. I rather like the comprehension of History,...
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Тимофей Милорадович
Sep 6, 20222 min read
Healthy eating habits / GSE (OGE)
Monologue by plan ● how many meals you have a day ● what foods people should have in their diet to make it healthy ● what unhealthy...
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Тимофей Милорадович
Sep 6, 20221 min read
The Russians are a reading nation / GSE (OGE)
Reader | Daren Thompson Monologue by plan — what proves that the Russians are a reading nation; — what kind of information most papers...
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Тимофей Милорадович
Sep 6, 20222 min read
Pens and Pencils / IELTS Speaking task 1
Do you usually use a pen/pencil? In modern life, I almost never use a pen or pencil, I do everything with my laptop. I noticed that my...
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Тимофей Милорадович
Sep 5, 20221 min read
Where do you live / IELTS Speaking task 1
1. Where do you live at the moment? At the moment, I live in a small town, it has all the amenities for life: schools, kindergartens,...
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Тимофей Милорадович
Sep 5, 20222 min read
Perfume / IELTS Speaking task 1
1. Do you wear perfume or aftershave? Yes, I do wear perfume, I like it, but I don't do this every day, it depends on the situation. 2....
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