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The path of talent through life cycles Essay

Immagine del redattore: Тимофей МилорадовичТимофей Милорадович

Aggiornamento: 20 giu 2022

There are life cycles in everything. And to go through your life cycle correctly is a matter of genuine talent and competencies. Thus, the path of talent is a penitential act about how you should ideally go through the life cycle, not evading and not betraying your talent in small ways. By avoiding the matter, you are failing yourself as a developing person, and people who hope and count on you in their intertwined life cycles. And penitential work is needed in order to correct your thoughts and actions when making decisions, to return to the true path of talent, improve your health and be successful.

No one was born in a vacuum, everything goes through life cycles according to the algorithms embedded in DNA. What is the DNA algorithm, you could ask? And that would be a very good question. Because people come up with a variety of algorithms and try to follow them, as if they were born in a vacuum and do not have just degrees of freedom given by the DNA structure. In fact, the same typical DNA algorithms operate in everything living on earth, made up of 4 letters.

Let scientists try to tell stories that there are more than four, there is no need to cloud the view, there are basic 4 letters in DNA, like 4 poles of the earth, 4 cardinal points, 4 limbs in a person, 4 areas of the heart, 4 areas of the brain, 4 areas of the autonomic nervous systems that regulate the heart and breathing, and 4 basic blood types.

Have you ever seen a haemoglobin molecule? There is a quadrangle with an iron core, apparently for the transfer of energy, and then the blood is liquid wires.

And the 4 Gospels were also written there. In fact, much more has been written. But there was a very interesting story about how to distinguish the “real” Gospels from those in which there were some admixtures of conjecture and emotions, characteristic of the author of the text and not related to reality. The story is such that people known for their pure life gathered, prayed together, and, according to their repentant deeds and understanding, received signs about which gospels are genuine, pleasing to God. And there were 4 such Gospels. Precisely because DNA algorithms provide 4 types of intelligence, 4 functions of consciousness and, therefore, there should be 4 ways of transmitting thoughts, 4 natural language codes. If not 4 Gospels to accept, then it would be incomprehensible to some, and that is a responsibility. So, it is clear that there would be 4 main types of penitential work, one for each type of intellect.

Improving, people acquire competencies inherent in their type of intellect, and choose their professional field of activity. Naturally, each person is unique and has individual differences. However, these are differences within a given typical DNA structure, and believe it, billions of brain cells make it possible for any thought to roam, no one is to be bored there. Just get these degrees of freedom through penitential doing.

The ancient word profeta means "prophet". The ability to see and predict the course of events and describe the algorithm is what they did. Do all professionals want to be prophets in their field? Yes? Or not? If you say not, then, probably, you are not going your own way of talent, because talent is given for life and sees where it takes you.

Realistically, the brain has a lot more potential for development than people used to think. More precisely, if they were steadily engaged in self-improvement - repentant doing about their deviations from the path of talent, then, most likely, the brain given to them for growth would joyfully respond both to development and to repentant doing, opening up its resources. It doesn't, and here's why.

Deviations from the path of talent have been called addictions, passions, since ancient times. In fact, these are violations of the commandments written on the tablets of Moses, such as “do not kill”, “do not bear false witness”, “do not desire someone else's”. These commandments, it would seem, formed the basis of all laws and regulations on labour, health, social and personal life, they are the basis of any business. However, a slight deviation from the path of talent gives garlands of admixtures of conjecture and emotions of the authors of laws and regulations, as was the case with the Gospel, and all other canons for life, laws, regulations, etc.

Mathematicians already know that multiplying the number of communication participants by two gives an increase in the number of communication scenarios to millions. At times, there is so much speculation that it turns into “stagnation years”, when the path of talent is really blocked by all these speculations, mostly negative ones. It goes like, "No way, let's just ban them from driving, so they don't see a better life." Or even, "Let's make the journey uncomfortable, so they don't see a better life, and no one can grab us by hand." But can you stop the flow of living energy in the blood? What would it be if not murder?

Why do people allow an admixture of conjecture rather than the competence of talent - sharply, brightly, positively seeing reality with wide open eyes and attracting all the best into life? Well, because to take a dash of speculation out of the decisions of a male bank president is to take seriously the remarks of a female work group organizer who works three times as much but earns three times less (if not ten). It is convenient for him to simply command and not listen to her intuition, even trained through receiving three educations, one of which is with the award of a Ph.D. This is the modern reality. What they do with all that money I don't know, but it doesn't make them look healthier. A stop, one word.

Well, when the heart goes cold and the head bleeds... it's dangerous to your health. Isn't that what some economy is like now?

And this results, for example, in the fact that the structures of the brain are changing, as was recently established, the brain becomes, as it were, porous, holes begin to gape in it, as a result of addictions. People get nervous, and then they smoke, drink, eat fatty and fried foods, act weird and think incomprehensibly, trying to prevent others from being happy and successful. Because someone else's happiness with talent hits the eyes and heart too painfully if you betrayed your own talent and are now unhappy.

Studies have shown that at the very beginning of biased evasion, called cunning since antiquity, there is a negative cognitive mechanism. For example, a woman asks: “Do you love me?”, gets an affirmative answer in some form. But instead of rejoicing, as any child would do - not yet wounded by society and not infected by addictions, a woman asks herself the next question: “Is this true?” And since she not only did not support the flow of healthy processes in herself that renew her immunity and the entire system of life on the basis of love, she interrupted these processes, devalued them, in addition, she launched the processes of analysis-decomposition of love into parts, receiving entropy and loss of energy instead of talented idea realization.

Nothing new, this is exactly how it is described by the holy orthodox ascetics - the crime against the commandments of love, talent, nature. Modern scientists, without knowing it, simply confirm the observations made by orthodox ascetics. In this case, science, as an independent expert, testifies to the clarity and cleanliness of the brain's work of saints who, having neither MRI tool nor ECG, tracked the mechanisms of the brain and nervous system at the level of subtle movements of inner feelings, thoughts, emotions, behaviour. They described as a healthy norm following the development of talent given to everyone for life from God on the basis of the data laid down by nature in a particular person, the development of competencies as derivatives of talent and natural data. And they described the path of repentance as constant corrective activity for deviations from the path of talent.

Well, and here they were miracle workers in our sinful opinion. But in fact, they are simply better than the sinners used the capabilities of the brain, nervous system and their intellect. Therefore, it is necessary to talk not only about the fact that there is a healthy norm of thinking and behaviour in accordance with DNA, as opposed to deviation into destructive addictions. But also about the fact that there are 4 basic types of a healthy norm.

Because, as it is easy to see, the saints had different talents, some of them were subtle observers, as if psychologists, others were organizers and, it must be said, unsurpassed entrepreneurs in a healthy sense - they managed to do what the biased one could not do. There were also saints - healers, acting much more effectively than "just doctors." And there were also saints who taught and educated people, and again, they did it in a much more talented and successful way than "just certified teachers."

It must be said that a teacher's degree, business ownership, or even political activity is absolutely not an obstacle to the development of talent in the spirit of the saints. On the contrary, the whole history of people shows that it is precisely the ability to listen to one's talent and develop it at the highest levels of competence that gives a symphony of all human abilities. The best rulers are holy rulers, there have been such in history. And the best doctors are holy doctors, there were also such doctors in history. As are the teachers.

The question is that a person should be aware and clear that by the age of 12 he\she in general, has formed functional systems, talent should already be clear, and the path of its development should be clear. Then there is a broader adjustment through communication in society. And then a person can say: "I will be an architect, I will build houses in which people will be happy and successful, and all together it will be a city of happy talented successful people" - this should be the norm. And also, as a rule, a phased implementation of this plan should follow. But often there is a disruption of the plan, ridicule, censure, reproaches - all those sick mechanisms of negativism and devaluation of talent that push a person into the position of a loser and an empty dreamer.

Why does a talented person become a “loser”, and is there a place for a “healthy development path” there? There is. And this is the path of penitential work, as the examples of the saints have shown. You might say, "We don't understand what repentance means to us, and we don't see how it applies to modern life."

But if you say so, it will simply mean that you do not have the necessary competencies that you did not develop because you did not listen to your talent. This is a kind of "loss of vision", which does not allow you to see things that are inherent in a healthy norm. Fortunately, not everyone is like that and not all people are the same. Not all people are equally blind.

There are people who have a kind of penitential doing, their way of talent and seeing their own mistakes and correcting them. And this is rooted in their talent, which they did not betray. Have you paid attention to how Richard Branson explains why his brand is called "Virgin"? I will not describe in detail his life path, he does it very well himself in his books and his stories about the values ​​that underlie all his activities. He says, "I'm successful because I'm happy, not the other way around." And he also says, "My whole business is a family business." And he also says: “If you want to do it well, do it yourself, just do it”, “If you are not happy with what you are doing, people are unlikely to be happy getting what you have done for them". This is a simple, sincere, natural fulfillment of healthy norms that were given through Moses as commandments. But not only. It is also a simple, natural, sincere fulfillment of the commandments given by Jesus Christ as the commandment of beatitude. Was it easy for Richard to follow this path of talent through modern life? Yes and no. At times he risked his life and his business and almost died. But he always smiles like a child, because he lives his life and finds wonderful solutions that resonate with joy and happiness in his heart. And he saved both himself and his business time by time, following talent, not substituting others and not dooming them to misfortune.

Translate “bliss” into modern language and you will see that Jesus was the very first and foremost coach of happiness, success and health, and all modern coaches are only as successful as they follow Christ's principles. And how could it be otherwise, if all life on earth is built on the same DNA algorithms? No, these are just "deviators" from a sincere pure life by talent, who having once received a "comfort zone", begin to be clever and add speculation and emotions, like toxic additives to the food of others, and the reality around them becomes cloudy.

This has been called covetousness since antiquity. In modern language, it looks like “I’m so good at my position, I don’t want to improve anymore and I won’t allow others so that they don’t notice my stop in development and prevent me from sitting in my position.” Well, because imagine if Isaac the Syrian met modern people... would he see happiness on their faces? Or even, not Isaac the Syrian, but Seraphim of Sarov... What would he ask modern Russians about? And what would they say to him? Or even John of Kronstadt, he lived only a hundred years ago and walked daily through the streets of St. Petersburg, going around people's houses ... It would not be an easy meeting, I think.

Are modern people happy, living according to talent, conscience, love? Are they successful in realizing their talent?.. It's hard to say. Once upon a time, what was called "stagnation" was what prevented you from being happy and successful. Obviously, stagnation is the deadening of the path of talent, repentance, self-improvement. But don't top managers improve, you can ask?

What distinguishes true repentance from the false path of “improvement”? Just that the saints were happy like children, doing what they did, renewing the breath of their talent over and over again, learning to constantly be good children of God and nature, rejoicing that others are happy, successful and healthy. False doing is doing that leaves no room for the happiness and success of others, because it aims to hide deviations from the path of one's own talent.

The peculiarity of false doing is precisely that it is secretive, skillfully “casting a fog”, intermittently, episodically making small ostentatious improvements, following its secret goal of covetousness, without changing the essence of negativism. It does what is beneficial for holding a temporary position in the material world. This is a way of degenerating talent for the sake of holding a position. So stupid and naive, as it was with Napoleon and Hitler. Blind traitors to their talent do not learn from life, because they are blind.

You can ask me: "Isn't Richard Branson trying to maintain his position in the market?" He tries. But he does this not at the expense of negative mechanisms and devaluation of happiness and success, but by getting more joy for himself and others, developing his talent and competencies. And he retained his positions "in passing", because he was more busy fulfilling his childhood desire to fly into space. He built a spaceship and flew. He rejoiced when he saw the earth from orbit, and the world rejoiced with him. Some people did not even want to tell us about it right away, apparently protecting us from knowing a better life.

Take another example, John R. Searl. Once upon a time, it was a little boy who had vivid, unusual dreams that showed him how to get away from dependence on oil and other inefficient technologies, the value of which today is artificially supported by those who benefit from them - fueling their covetousness. The whole story of John R. Searl is well covered on YouTube. He tried to realize his ideas while working as an electrician's assistant. He built things in the kitchen of his rented apartment, first, then on an abandoned airport field. He put his power generator in his house, and then the local power company tried to destroy his invention by suing him and stuff. And journalists began to call his flying objects “Unidentified Flying Objects”, “flying saucers”, thereby trying to profit and put a fog on the entire true story of the invention in order to benefit for themselves, but not for him.

And what, he betrayed his talent, abandoned his ideas? No. On the contrary, he, relying on his talent, developed competencies, and now he is a world-respected Professor, honestly, sincerely saying that modern science is in many ways an accumulation of those very “covetousness”, "intellectual blindness", "ignorance of reality", which is beneficial to individuals in their positions, but this does not make the rest of the people in the world happy and successful.

The one who stopped developing his talent went towards ill health, unhappiness and failure, both for himself and for others. Retention of the material shell of false well-being only delays the dénouement, but does not cancel it at all.

John R. Searl, in his very mature years, has a clear bright mind, like a child, delighting sincere and honest people. He retained the voice of that talented boy who had vivid dreams, but now he sounds competent and mature. And what's more, thousands of people are trying to reproduce his generators of independent energy, complete success is only a matter of time. And so his repentant doing means: “become better, more competent when it’s difficult for you, become more experienced, wishing good, success for yourself and others, in order to get your success and share it with people like you.”

Is he happy? You can see it on his face, yes. The energy of love is the energy of happiness, success and health, after all. All the evil ones were ugly in their malice, with dead masked faces, even having the image of "wealth". Remember: "How you want to be treated, so you treat others."

Everyone's talent has its own life cycle. At the end of the cycle, everyone receives fruits - some are sweet and healthy, some are bitter and tasteless. Everything becomes open, no matter how you hide it. Better - improve, be happy and successful. This is the essence of repentance. People are waiting for you to do better. Energy creates beauty in the desert. An unbiased search bears fruit. And the last phrases are already the tools of a modern cognitive psychologist.

I am at one with the holy ascetics, Branson, Searl, because I choose life according to talent, love, happiness and success, these are our common human values.

The path of talent through life cycles Essay

Il percorso del talento attraverso i cicli di vita, Saggio

There are life cycles in everything. And to go through your life cycle correctly is a matter of genuine talent and competencies. Thus, the path of talent is a penitential act about how you should ideally go through the life cycle, but evade, betraying your talent in small ways.

Ci sono cicli di vita in ogni cosa. E seguire correttamente il proprio ciclo di vita è una questione di talento e competenze genuini. Pertanto, il percorso del talento è un atto penitenziale su come dovresti idealmente attraversare il ciclo della vita, ma eludere, tradendo il tuo talento in piccoli modi.

By avoiding, you are failing yourself as a developing person, and people who hope and count on you in their intertwined life cycles. And penitential work is needed in order to correct your thoughts and actions when making decisions, to return to the true path of talent, improve your health and be successful.

Evitando, stai deludendo te stesso come persona in via di sviluppo e persone che sperano e contano su di te nei loro cicli di vita intrecciati. E il lavoro penitenziale è necessario per correggere i tuoi pensieri e le tue azioni quando prendi decisioni, per tornare sulla vera strada del talento, migliorare la tua salute e avere successo.

No one was born in a vacuum, everything goes through life cycles according to the algorithms embedded in DNA. What is the DNA algorithm, you could ask? And that would be a very good question.

Nessuno è nato nel vuoto, tutto passa attraverso i cicli di vita secondo gli algoritmi incorporati nel DNA. Qual è l'algoritmo del DNA, potresti chiedere? E sarebbe un'ottima domanda.

Because people come up with a variety of algorithms and try to follow them, as if they were born in a vacuum and do not have just degrees of freedom given by the DNA structure. In fact, the same typical DNA algorithms operate in everything living on earth, made up of 4 letters.

Perché le persone escogitano una varietà di algoritmi e cercano di seguirli, come se fossero nati nel vuoto e non avessero solo gradi di libertà dati dalla struttura del DNA. Infatti, gli stessi tipici algoritmi del DNA operano in tutto ciò che vive sulla terra, composto da 4 lettere.

Let scientists try to tell stories that there are more than four, there is no need to cloud the view, there are basic 4 letters in DNA, like 4 poles of the earth, 4 cardinal points, 4 limbs in a person, 4 areas of the heart, 4 areas of the brain, 4 areas of the autonomic nervous systems that regulate the heart and breathing, and 4 basic blood types.

Lascia che gli scienziati provino a raccontare storie che ce ne sono più di quattro, non c'è bisogno di offuscare la vista, ci sono 4 lettere di base nel DNA, come 4 poli della terra, 4 punti cardinali, 4 arti in una persona, 4 aree di il cuore, 4 aree del cervello, 4 aree del sistema nervoso autonomo che regolano il cuore e la respirazione e 4 gruppi sanguigni di base.

Have you ever seen a haemoglobin molecule? There is a quadrangle with an iron core, apparently for the transfer of energy, and then the blood is liquid wires.

Hai mai visto una molecola di emoglobina? C'è un quadrilatero con un nucleo di ferro, apparentemente per il trasferimento di energia, e poi il sangue è un filo liquido.

And the 4 Gospels were also written there. In fact, much more has been written. But there was a very interesting story about how to distinguish the “real” Gospels from those in which there were some admixtures of conjecture and emotions, characteristic of the author of the text and not related to reality.

E lì furono scritti anche i 4 Vangeli. In effetti, molto di più è stato scritto. Ma c'era una storia molto interessante su come distinguere i Vangeli “veri” da quelli in cui c'erano alcune mescolanze di congetture ed emozioni, caratteristiche dell'autore del testo e non legate alla realtà.

The story is such that people known for their pure life gathered, prayed together, and, according to their repentant deeds and understanding, received signs about which gospels are genuine, pleasing to God. And there were 4 such Gospels.

La storia è tale che persone note per la loro vita pura si sono radunate, hanno pregato insieme e, secondo le loro azioni pentite e la loro comprensione, hanno ricevuto segni sui quali i vangeli sono genuini, graditi a Dio. E c'erano 4 di questi Vangeli.

Precisely because DNA algorithms provide 4 types of intelligence, 4 functions of consciousness and, therefore, there should be 4 ways of transmitting thoughts, 4 natural language codes.

Proprio perché gli algoritmi del DNA forniscono 4 tipi di intelligenza, 4 funzioni di coscienza e, quindi, dovrebbero esserci 4 modi di trasmettere i pensieri, 4 codici del linguaggio naturale.

If not 4 Gospels to accept, then it would be incomprehensible to some, and that is a responsibility. So, it is clear that there would be 4 main types of penitential work, one for each type of intellect.

Se non si accettassero 4 Vangeli, per alcuni sarebbe incomprensibile, e questa è una responsabilità. Quindi, è chiaro che ci sarebbero 4 tipi principali di lavoro penitenziale, uno per ogni tipo di intelletto.

Improving, people acquire competencies inherent in their type of intellect, and choose their professional field of activity. Naturally, each person is unique and has individual differences.

Migliorando, le persone acquisiscono competenze inerenti al loro tipo di intelletto e scelgono il loro campo di attività professionale. Naturalmente, ogni persona è unica e presenta differenze individuali.

However, these are differences within a given typical DNA structure, and believe it, billions of brain cells make it possible for any thought to roam, no one is to be bored there. Just get these degrees of freedom through penitential doing.

Tuttavia, queste sono differenze all'interno di una data struttura tipica del DNA e, credeteci, miliardi di cellule cerebrali consentono a qualsiasi pensiero di vagare, nessuno deve annoiarsi lì. Basta ottenere questi gradi di libertà attraverso l'azione penitenziale.

The ancient word profeta means "prophet". The ability to see and predict the course of events and describe the algorithm is what they did. Do all professionals want to be prophets in their field? Yes? Or not? If you say not, then, probably, you are not going your own way of talent, because talent is given for life and sees where it takes you.

L'antica parola profeta significa "profeta". La capacità di vedere e prevedere il corso degli eventi e descrivere l'algoritmo è quello che hanno fatto. Tutti i professionisti vogliono essere profeti nel loro campo? Sì? O no? Se dici di no, probabilmente non stai seguendo la tua strada del talento, perché il talento è dato per la vita e vede dove ti porta.

Realistically, the brain has a lot more potential for development than people used to think. More precisely, if they were steadily engaged in self-improvement - repentant doing about their deviations from the path of talent, then, most likely, the brain given to them for growth would joyfully respond both to development and to repentant doing, opening up its resources. It doesn't, and here's why.

Realisticamente, il cervello ha molto più potenziale di sviluppo di quanto si pensasse. Più precisamente, se fossero costantemente impegnati nell'auto-miglioramento - facendo pentiti delle loro deviazioni dal percorso del talento, allora, molto probabilmente, il cervello loro dato per la crescita risponderebbe con gioia sia allo sviluppo che al fare pentito, aprendo la sua risorse. Non è così, ed ecco perché.

Deviations from the path of talent have been called addictions, passions, since ancient times. In fact, these are violations of the commandments written on the tablets of Moses, such as “do not kill”, “do not bear false witness”, “do not desire someone else's”.

Le deviazioni dal percorso del talento sono state chiamate dipendenze, passioni, fin dai tempi antichi. Si tratta, infatti, di violazioni dei comandamenti scritti sulle tavole di Mosè, come “non uccidere”, “non testimoniare il falso”, “non desiderare quello di un altro”.

These commandments, it would seem, formed the basis of all laws and regulations on labour, health, social and personal life, they are the basis of any business.

Questi comandamenti, a quanto pare, hanno costituito la base di tutte le leggi e regolamenti sul lavoro, la salute, la vita sociale e personale, sono la base di qualsiasi attività commerciale.

However, a slight deviation from the path of talent gives garlands of admixtures of conjecture and emotions of the authors of laws and regulations, as was the case with the Gospel, and all other canons for life, laws, regulations, etc.

Tuttavia, una leggera deviazione dal percorso del talento regala ghirlande di mescolanze di congetture ed emozioni degli autori di leggi e regolamenti, come nel caso del Vangelo, e di tutti gli altri canoni di vita, leggi, regolamenti, ecc.

Mathematicians already know that multiplying the number of communication participants by two gives an increase in the number of communication scenarios to millions.

I matematici sanno già che moltiplicando per due il numero di partecipanti alla comunicazione aumenta il numero di scenari di comunicazione a milioni.

At times, there is so much speculation that it turns into “stagnation years”, when the path of talent is really blocked by all these speculations, mostly negative ones.

A volte c'è così tanta speculazione, che si trasforma in “anni di stagnazione”, quando il percorso del talento è davvero bloccato da tutte queste speculazioni, per lo più negative.

It goes like, "No way, let's just ban them from driving, so they don't see a better life." Or even, "Let's make the journey uncomfortable, so they don't see a better life, and no one can grab us by hand." But can you stop the flow of living energy in the blood? What would it be if not murder?

Dice: "Assolutamente no, vietiamo loro di guidare, così non vedono una vita migliore". O anche: "Rendiamo il viaggio scomodo, così non vedono una vita migliore e nessuno può afferrarci per mano". Ma puoi fermare il flusso di energia vivente nel sangue? Cosa sarebbe se non un omicidio?

Why do people allow an admixture of conjecture rather than the competence of talent - sharply, brightly, positively seeing reality with wide open eyes and attracting all the best into life?

Perché le persone consentono una mescolanza di congetture piuttosto che la competenza del talento: vedere la realtà in modo acuto, brillante, positivo con occhi spalancati e attirare tutto il meglio nella vita?

Well, because to take a dash of speculation out of the decisions of a male bank president is to take seriously the remarks of a female work group organizer who works three times as much but earns three times less (if not ten).

Bene, perché tirare fuori un pizzico di speculazione dalle decisioni di un presidente di banca uomo significa prendere sul serio le osservazioni di un'organizzatrice di gruppi di lavoro donna che lavora tre volte tanto ma guadagna tre volte meno (se non dieci).

It is convenient for him to simply command and not listen to her intuition, even trained through receiving three educations, one of which is with the award of a Ph.D. This is the modern reality.

Gli fa comodo semplicemente comandare e non ascoltare l'intuizione di lei, anche addestrata ricevendo tre educazioni, una delle quali è con l'assegnazione di un dottorato di ricerca. Questa è la realtà moderna.

What they do with all that money I don't know, but it doesn't make them look healthier. A stop, one word.

Cosa fanno con tutti quei soldi non lo so, ma non li fa sembrare più sani. Una sosta, una parola.

Well, when the heart goes cold and the head bleeds... it's dangerous to your health. Isn't that what some economy is like now?

Ebbene, quando il cuore si raffredda e la testa sanguina... è pericoloso per la salute. Non è così che è una certa economia adesso?

And this results, for example, in the fact that the structures of the brain are changing, as was recently established, the brain becomes, as it were, porous, holes begin to gape in it, as a result of addictions.

E questo si traduce, ad esempio, nel fatto che le strutture del cervello stanno cambiando, come è stato recentemente stabilito, il cervello diventa, per così dire, poroso, i buchi iniziano a spalancarsi, a causa delle dipendenze.

People get nervous, and then they smoke, drink, eat fatty and fried foods, act weird and think incomprehensibly, trying to prevent others from being happy and successful. Because someone else's happiness with talent hits the eyes and heart too painfully if you betrayed your own talent and are now unhappy.

Le persone si innervosiscono e poi fumano, bevono, mangiano cibi grassi e fritti, si comportano in modo strano e pensano in modo incomprensibile, cercando di impedire agli altri di essere felici e di successo. Perché la felicità di qualcun altro con il talento colpisce gli occhi e il cuore troppo dolorosamente se hai tradito il tuo talento e ora sei infelice.

Studies have shown that at the very beginning of biased evasion, called cunning since antiquity, there is a negative cognitive mechanism. For example, a woman asks: “Do you love me?”, gets an affirmative answer in some form.

Gli studi hanno dimostrato che proprio all'inizio dell'evasione parziale, chiamata astuzia fin dall'antichità, esiste un meccanismo cognitivo negativo. Ad esempio, una donna chiede: "Mi ami?", ottiene una risposta affermativa in qualche modo.

But instead of rejoicing, as any child would do - not yet wounded by society and not infected by addictions, a woman asks herself the next question: “Is this true?”

Ma invece di gioire, come farebbe qualsiasi bambino, non ancora ferito dalla società e non contagiato dalle dipendenze, una donna si pone la domanda successiva: "È vero?"

And since she not only did not support the flow of healthy processes in herself that renew her immunity and the entire system of life on the basis of love, she interrupted these processes, devalued them, in addition, she launched the processes of analysis-decomposition of love into parts, receiving entropy and loss of energy instead of talented idea realization.

E poiché non solo non ha sostenuto in sé il flusso di processi sani che rinnovano la sua immunità e l'intero sistema di vita sulla base dell'amore, ha interrotto questi processi, li ha svalutati, inoltre ha avviato i processi di analisi-scomposizione dell'amore in parti, ricevendo entropia e perdita di energia invece della realizzazione di idee di talento.

Nothing new, this is exactly how it is described by the holy orthodox ascetics - the crime against the commandments of love, talent, nature. Modern scientists, without knowing it, simply confirm the observations made by orthodox ascetics.

Niente di nuovo, questo è esattamente come viene descritto dai santi asceti ortodossi: il crimine contro i comandamenti dell'amore, del talento, della natura. Gli scienziati moderni, senza saperlo, confermano semplicemente le osservazioni fatte dagli asceti ortodossi.

In this case, science, as an independent expert, testifies to the clarity and cleanliness of the brain's work of saints who, having neither MRI tool nor ECG, tracked the mechanisms of the brain and nervous system at the level of subtle movements of inner feelings, thoughts, emotions, behaviour.

In questo caso, la scienza, in qualità di esperto indipendente, testimonia la chiarezza e la pulizia del lavoro del cervello di santi che, non disponendo né dello strumento di risonanza magnetica né dell'ECG, hanno tracciato i meccanismi del cervello e del sistema nervoso a livello di sottili movimenti dei sentimenti interiori, pensieri, emozioni, comportamenti.

They described as a healthy norm following the development of talent given to everyone for life from God on the basis of the data laid down by nature in a particular person, the development of competencies as derivatives of talent and natural data. And they described the path of repentance as constant corrective activity for deviations from the path of talent.

Hanno descritto come norma salutare seguire lo sviluppo del talento dato a tutti per la vita da Dio sulla base dei dati stabiliti dalla natura in una determinata persona, lo sviluppo delle competenze come derivati ​​del talento e dei dati naturali. E hanno descritto il percorso del pentimento come una costante attività correttiva per le deviazioni dal percorso del talento.

Well, and here they were miracle workers in our sinful opinion. But in fact, they are simply better than the sinners used the capabilities of the brain, nervous system and their intellect.

Bene, e qui erano operatori di miracoli secondo la nostra peccaminosa opinione. Ma in realtà, sono semplicemente migliori di quanto i peccatori abbiano usato le capacità del cervello, del sistema nervoso e del loro intelletto.

Therefore, it is necessary to talk not only about the fact that there is a healthy norm of thinking and behaviour in accordance with DNA, as opposed to deviation into destructive addictions. But also about the fact that there are 4 basic types of a healthy norm.

Pertanto, è necessario parlare non solo del fatto che esiste una sana norma di pensiero e comportamento secondo il DNA, in contrapposizione alla deviazione nelle dipendenze distruttive. Ma anche sul fatto che ci sono 4 tipi fondamentali di una norma sana.

Because, as it is easy to see, the saints had different talents, some of them were subtle observers, as if psychologists, others were organizers and, it must be said, unsurpassed entrepreneurs in a healthy sense - they managed to do what the biased one could not do.

Perché, come è facile vedere, i santi avevano talenti diversi, alcuni erano sottili osservatori, come se psicologi, altri fossero organizzatori e, va detto, imprenditori insuperabili in senso sano - sono riusciti a fare ciò che i prevenuti non si potrebbe fare.

There were also saints - healers, acting much more effectively than "just doctors." And there were also saints who taught and educated people, and again, they did it in a much more talented and successful way than "just certified teachers."

C'erano anche santi - guaritori, che agivano in modo molto più efficace dei "solo medici". E c'erano anche santi che insegnavano ed educavano le persone e, ancora una volta, lo facevano in un modo molto più talentuoso e di successo rispetto ai "solo insegnanti certificati".

It must be said that a teacher's degree, business ownership, or even political activity is absolutely not an obstacle to the development of talent in the spirit of the saints.

Va detto che il titolo di insegnante, la proprietà di un'impresa o anche l'attività politica non sono assolutamente un ostacolo allo sviluppo del talento nello spirito dei santi.

On the contrary, the whole history of people shows that it is precisely the ability to listen to one's talent and develop it at the highest levels of competence that gives a symphony of all human abilities.

Al contrario, tutta la storia delle persone mostra che è proprio la capacità di ascoltare il proprio talento e di svilupparlo ai massimi livelli di competenza che dà una sinfonia di tutte le capacità umane.

The best rulers are holy rulers, there have been such in history. And the best doctors are holy doctors, there were also such doctors in history. As are the teachers.

I migliori governanti sono governanti santi, ce ne sono stati nella storia. E i migliori dottori sono santi dottori, ci sono stati anche dottori simili nella storia. Così come gli insegnanti.

The question is that a person should be aware and clear that by the age of 12 he\she in general, has formed functional systems, talent should already be clear, and the path of its development should be clear.

La domanda è che una persona dovrebbe essere consapevole e chiara che all'età di 12 anni in generale ha formato sistemi funzionali, il talento dovrebbe già essere chiaro e il percorso del suo sviluppo dovrebbe essere chiaro.

Then there is a broader adjustment through communication in society. And then a person can say: "I will be an architect, I will build houses in which people will be happy and successful, and all together it will be a city of happy talented successful people" - this should be the norm.

Poi c'è un adeguamento più ampio attraverso la comunicazione nella società. E poi una persona può dire: "Sarò un architetto, costruirò case in cui le persone saranno felici e di successo, e tutti insieme sarà una città di persone felici e talentuose di successo" - questa dovrebbe essere la norma.

And also, as a rule, a phased implementation of this plan should follow. But often there is a disruption of the plan, ridicule, censure, reproaches - all those sick mechanisms of negativism and devaluation of talent that push a person into the position of a loser and an empty dreamer.

E anche, di norma, dovrebbe seguire un'attuazione graduale di questo piano. Ma spesso c'è un'interruzione del piano, ridicolo, censura, rimproveri: tutti quei meccanismi malati di negativismo e svalutazione del talento che spingono una persona nella posizione di un perdente e di un sognatore vuoto.

Why does a talented person become a “loser”, and is there a place for a “healthy development path” there? There is. And this is the path of penitential work, as the examples of the saints have shown.

Perché una persona di talento diventa un "perdente" e c'è un posto per un "percorso di sviluppo sano" lì? C'è. E questa è la via del lavoro penitenziale, come hanno mostrato gli esempi dei santi.

You might say, "We don't understand what repentance means to us, and we don't see how it applies to modern life." But if you say so, it will simply mean that you do not have the necessary competencies that you did not develop because you did not listen to your talent.

Potresti dire: "Non capiamo cosa significhi per noi il pentimento e non vediamo come si applica alla vita moderna". Ma se lo dici, significherà semplicemente che non hai le competenze necessarie che non hai sviluppato perché non hai ascoltato il tuo talento.

This is a kind of "loss of vision", which does not allow you to see things that are inherent in a healthy norm. Fortunately, not everyone is like that and not all people are the same. Not all people are equally blind.

Questa è una sorta di "perdita della vista", che non ti consente di vedere cose inerenti a una norma sana. Fortunatamente, non tutti sono così e non tutte le persone sono uguali. Non tutte le persone sono ugualmente cieche.

There are people who have a kind of penitential doing, their way of talent and seeing their own mistakes and correcting them. And this is rooted in their talent, which they did not betray.

Ci sono persone che hanno una sorta di fare penitenziale, il loro modo di fare talento, vedere i propri errori e correggerli. E questo è radicato nel loro talento, che non hanno tradito.

Have you paid attention to how Richard Branson explains why his brand is called "Virgin"? I will not describe in detail his life path, he does it very well himself in his books and his stories about the values ​​that underlie all his activities.

Hai prestato attenzione a come Richard Branson spiega perché il suo marchio si chiama "Virgin"? Non descriverò nel dettaglio il suo percorso di vita, lo fa molto bene lui stesso nei suoi libri e nei suoi racconti sui valori che stanno alla base di tutte le sue attività.

He says, "I'm successful because I'm happy, not the other way around." And he also says, "My whole business is a family business." And he also says: “If you want to do it well, do it yourself, just do it”, “If you are not happy with what you are doing, people are unlikely to be happy getting what you have done for them".

Dice: "Ho successo perché sono felice, non il contrario". E dice anche: "Tutta la mia attività è un'azienda di famiglia". E dice anche: "Se vuoi farlo bene, fallo da solo, fallo e basta", "Se non sei contento di quello che stai facendo, è improbabile che le persone siano contente di quello che hai fatto per loro".

This is a simple, sincere, natural fulfillment of healthy norms that were given through Moses as commandments. But not only. It is also a simple, natural, sincere fulfillment of the commandments given by Jesus Christ as the commandment of beatitude.

Questo è un adempimento semplice, sincero, naturale di sane norme che furono date per mezzo di Mosè come comandamenti, ma non solo, è anche un adempimento semplice, naturale, sincero dei comandamenti dati da Gesù Cristo come comandamento della beatitudine.

Was it easy for Richard to follow this path of talent through modern life? Yes and no. At times he risked his life and his business and almost died. But he always smiles like a child, because he lives his life and finds wonderful solutions that resonate with joy and happiness in his heart.

È stato facile per Richard seguire questo percorso di talento attraverso la vita moderna? Sì e no. A volte ha rischiato la vita e gli affari e quasi è morto. Ma sorride sempre come un bambino, perché vive la sua vita e trova soluzioni meravigliose che risuonano di gioia e felicità nel suo cuore.

And he saved both himself and his business time by time, following talent, not substituting others and not dooming them to misfortune.

E ha salvato sia se stesso che i suoi affari di volta in volta, seguendo il talento, non sostituendo gli altri e non condannandoli alla sventura.

Translate “bliss” into modern language and you will see that Jesus was the very first and foremost coach of happiness, success and health, and all modern coaches are only as successful as they follow Christ's principles.

Traduci “beatitudine” nel linguaggio moderno e vedrai che Gesù è stato il primo e il più importante allenatore di felicità, successo e salute, e tutti gli allenatori moderni hanno tanto successo quanto seguono i principi di Cristo.

And how could it be otherwise, if all life on earth is built on the same DNA algorithms? No, these are just "deviators" from a sincere pure life by talent, who having once received a "comfort zone", begin to be clever and add speculation and emotions, like toxic additives to the food of others, and the reality around them becomes cloudy.

E come potrebbe essere altrimenti, se tutta la vita sulla terra è costruita sugli stessi algoritmi del DNA? No, questi sono solo "deviatori" di una vita sincera e pura dal talento, che una volta ricevuta una "zona di comfort", iniziano ad essere intelligenti e aggiungono speculazioni ed emozioni, come additivi tossici al cibo degli altri e alla realtà che li circonda diventa nuvoloso.

This has been called covetousness since antiquity. In modern language, it looks like “I’m so good at my position, I don’t want to improve anymore and I won’t allow others so that they don’t notice my stop in development and prevent me from sitting in my position.”

Questa è stata chiamata cupidigia fin dall'antichità. In un linguaggio moderno, sembra "Sono così bravo nella mia posizione, non voglio più migliorare e non permetterò agli altri in modo che non si accorgano del mio arresto nello sviluppo e mi impediscano di sedermi nella mia posizione."

Well, because imagine if Isaac the Syrian met modern people... would he see happiness on their faces? Or even, not Isaac the Syrian, but Seraphim of Sarov... What would he ask modern Russians about? And what would they say to him?

Bene, perché immagina se Isacco il Siro incontrasse persone moderne... vedrebbe la felicità sui loro volti? O anche, non Isacco il Siro, ma Serafino di Sarov... Cosa chiederebbe ai russi moderni? E cosa gli direbbero?

Or even John of Kronstadt, he lived only a hundred years ago and walked daily through the streets of St. Petersburg, going around people's houses ... It would not be an easy meeting, I think.

O anche Giovanni di Kronstadt, visse solo cento anni fa e camminava quotidianamente per le strade di San Pietroburgo, girando per le case della gente... Non sarebbe stato un incontro facile, credo.

Are modern people happy, living according to talent, conscience, love? Are they successful in realizing their talent?..

Le persone moderne sono felici, vivono secondo talento, coscienza, amore? Riescono a realizzare il loro talento?...

It's hard to say. Once upon a time, what was called "stagnation" was what prevented you from being happy and successful.

È difficile da dire. C'era una volta quella che si chiamava "stagnazione" era ciò che ti impediva di essere felice e di successo.

Obviously, stagnation is the deadening of the path of talent, repentance, self-improvement. But don't top managers improve, you can ask?

Ovviamente, la stagnazione è l'attenuazione del percorso del talento, del pentimento, dell'auto-miglioramento. Ma i top manager non migliorano, si può chiedere?

What distinguishes true repentance from the false path of “improvement”?

Cosa distingue il vero pentimento dal falso sentiero del “miglioramento”?

Just that the saints were happy like children, doing what they did, renewing the breath of their talent over and over again, learning to constantly be good children of God and nature, rejoicing that others are happy, successful and healthy.

Solo che i santi erano felici come bambini, facendo quello che hanno fatto, rinnovando più e più volte il respiro del loro talento, imparando ad essere costantemente buoni figli di Dio e della natura, gioendo che gli altri siano felici, di successo e in salute.

False doing is doing that leaves no room for the happiness and success of others, because it aims to hide deviations from the path of one's own talent.

Il falso è fare che non lascia spazio alla felicità e al successo degli altri, perché mira a nascondere le deviazioni dal percorso del proprio talento.

The peculiarity of false doing is precisely that it is secretive, skillfully “casting a fog”, intermittently, episodically making small ostentatious improvements, following its secret goal of covetousness, without changing the essence of negativism. It does what is beneficial for holding a temporary position in the material world.

La particolarità del falso fare è proprio che è riservato, abilmente "gettando una nebbia", a intermittenza, a episodi che apportano piccoli miglioramenti ostentati, seguendo il suo obiettivo segreto di cupidigia, senza cambiare l'essenza del negativismo. Fa ciò che è benefico per ricoprire una posizione temporanea nel mondo materiale.

This is a way of degenerating talent for the sake of holding a position. So stupid and naive, as it was with Napoleon and Hitler. Blind traitors to their talent do not learn from life, because they are blind.

Questo è un modo per degenerare il talento per mantenere una posizione. Così stupido e ingenuo, come lo era con Napoleone e Hitler. I ciechi traditori del loro talento non imparano dalla vita, perché sono ciechi.

You can ask me: "Isn't Richard Branson trying to maintain his position in the market?"

Puoi chiedermi: "Richard Branson non sta cercando di mantenere la sua posizione nel mercato?"

He tries. But he does this not at the expense of negative mechanisms and devaluation of happiness and success, but by getting more joy for himself and others, developing his talent and competencies.

Lui fa. Ma lo fa non a scapito dei meccanismi negativi e della svalutazione della felicità e del successo, ma procurando più gioia per sé e per gli altri, sviluppando il suo talento e le sue competenze.

And he retained his positions "in passing", because he was more busy fulfilling his childhood desire to fly into space. He built a spaceship and flew.

E ha mantenuto le sue posizioni "di passaggio", perché era più impegnato a soddisfare il suo desiderio d'infanzia di volare nello spazio. Ha costruito un'astronave e ha volato.

He rejoiced when he saw the earth from orbit, and the world rejoiced with him. Some people did not even want to tell us about it right away, apparently protecting us from knowing a better life.

Si rallegrò quando vide la terra dall'orbita e il mondo gioì con lui. Alcune persone non hanno nemmeno voluto raccontarcelo subito, apparentemente proteggendoci dal conoscere una vita migliore.

Take another example, John R. Searl. Once upon a time, it was a little boy who had vivid, unusual dreams that showed him how to get away from dependence on oil and other inefficient technologies, the value of which today is artificially supported by those who benefit from them - fueling their covetousness.

Prendi un altro esempio, John R. Searl. C'era una volta un ragazzino che faceva sogni vividi e insoliti che gli mostravano come uscire dalla dipendenza dal petrolio e da altre tecnologie inefficienti, il cui valore oggi è artificialmente sostenuto da coloro che ne beneficiano, alimentando la loro cupidigia.

The whole story of John R. Searl is well covered on YouTube. He tried to realize his ideas while working as an electrician's assistant.

L'intera storia di John R. Searl è ben coperta su YouTube. Ha cercato di realizzare le sue idee mentre lavorava come assistente di un elettricista.

He built things in the kitchen of his rented apartment, first, then on an abandoned airport field. He put his power generator in his house, and then the local power company tried to destroy his invention by suing him and stuff.

Ha costruito le cose nella cucina del suo appartamento in affitto, prima, poi su un campo abbandonato in un aeroporto. Ha messo il suo generatore di corrente a casa sua, e poi la compagnia elettrica locale ha cercato di distruggere la sua invenzione facendo causa a lui e cose del genere.

And journalists began to call his flying objects “Unidentified Flying Objects”, “flying saucers”, thereby trying to profit and put a fog on the entire true story of the invention in order to benefit for themselves, but not for him.

E i giornalisti hanno iniziato a chiamare i suoi oggetti volanti “non identificati”, “dischi volanti”, cercando così di trarre profitto e di offuscare l'intera storia vera dell'invenzione al fine di beneficiare per se stessi, ma non per lui.

And what, he betrayed his talent, abandoned his ideas? No. On the contrary, he, relying on his talent, developed competencies, and now he is a world-respected Professor, honestly, sincerely saying that modern science is in many ways an accumulation of those very “covetousness”, "intellectual blindness", "ignorance of reality", which is beneficial to individuals in their positions, but this does not make the rest of the people in the world happy and successful.

E cosa, ha tradito il suo talento, abbandonato le sue idee? No. Al contrario, lui, facendo affidamento sul suo talento, ha sviluppato competenze, e ora è un professore rispettato in tutto il mondo, dicendo onestamente e sinceramente che la scienza moderna è per molti versi un accumulo di quella stessa "avarizia", ​​"cecità intellettuale", "ignoranza della realtà", che è benefica per gli individui nelle loro posizioni, ma questo non rende il resto delle persone nel mondo felice e di successo.

The one who stopped developing his talent went towards ill health, unhappiness and failure, both for himself and for others. Retention of the material shell of false well-being only delays the dénouement, but does not cancel it at all.

Colui che ha smesso di sviluppare il suo talento è andato verso la cattiva salute, l'infelicità e il fallimento, sia per se stesso che per gli altri. La ritenzione del guscio materiale del falso benessere non fa che ritardare il dénouement, ma non lo annulla affatto.

John R. Searl, in his very mature years, has a clear bright mind, like a child, delighting sincere and honest people.

John R. Searl, nei suoi anni molto maturi, ha una mente chiara e brillante, come un bambino, che delizia le persone sincere e oneste.

He retained the voice of that talented boy who had vivid dreams, but now he sounds competent and mature. And what's more, thousands of people are trying to reproduce his generators of independent energy, complete success is only a matter of time.

Ha mantenuto la voce di quel ragazzo di talento che aveva sogni vividi, ma ora suona competente e maturo. E per di più, migliaia di persone stanno cercando di riprodurre i suoi generatori di energia indipendente, il completo successo è solo questione di tempo.

And so his repentant doing means: “become better, more competent when it’s difficult for you, become more experienced, wishing good, success for yourself and others, in order to get your success and share it with people like you.”

E quindi il suo fare pentito significa: "diventare migliore, più competente quando è difficile per te, diventare più esperto, desiderando il bene, il successo per te stesso e per gli altri, per ottenere il tuo successo e condividerlo con persone come te".

Is he happy? You can see it on his face, yes. The energy of love is the energy of happiness, success and health, after all. All the evil ones were ugly in their malice, with dead masked faces, even having the image of "wealth". Remember: "How you want to be treated, so you treat others."

Lui è felice? Puoi vederlo sulla sua faccia, sì. L'energia dell'amore è l'energia della felicità, del successo e della salute, dopo tutto. Tutti i malvagi erano brutti nella loro malizia, con facce mascherate da morti, pur avendo l'immagine della "ricchezza". Ricorda: "Come vuoi essere trattato, così tratti gli altri".

Everyone's talent has its own life cycle. At the end of the cycle, everyone receives fruits - some are sweet and healthy, some are bitter and tasteless.

Il talento di ognuno ha il suo ciclo di vita. Alla fine del ciclo, tutti ricevono frutti: alcuni sono dolci e sani, altri sono amari e insipidi.

Everything becomes open, no matter how you hide it. Better - improve, be happy and successful. This is the essence of repentance. People are waiting for you to do better.

Tutto diventa aperto, non importa come lo nascondi. Meglio: migliora, sii felice e di successo. Questa è l'essenza del pentimento. Le persone aspettano che tu faccia di meglio.

Energy creates beauty in the desert. An unbiased search bears fruit. And the last phrases are already the tools of a modern cognitive psychologist.

L'energia crea bellezza nel deserto. Una ricerca imparziale porta i suoi frutti. E le ultime frasi sono già gli strumenti di un moderno psicologo cognitivo.

I am at one with the holy ascetics, Branson, Searl, because I choose life according to talent, love, happiness and success, these are our common human values.

Sono tutt'uno con i santi asceti, Branson, Searl, perché scelgo la vita in base al talento, all'amore, alla felicità e al successo, questi sono i nostri valori umani comuni.


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