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Apollinaria and natural phenomena

Writer's picture: elenaburanelenaburan

“When I find the right word that captures the essence of a phenomenon, I become calm, I understand the phenomenon and can manage my relationship with it,” Apollinaria finally understood what was happening inside her over and over again when she watched lightning, thunder, electricity, water in the sea, listened to thunderclaps and the sound of rain, felt warmth during the day and cold at night. She even noticed that she sees lightning first, and only then hears thunder. “This means that light has a higher speed than sound,” thought Appolinaria. She felt better every time she found the exact word to describe what was happening inside and outside of her.

Outside, it was a quiet, humid morning after a night of thunderstorms, and the air smelled of grass and electricity. Since the city lay between the mountain and the sea, the thunderstorms here were strong, bright, beautiful and short, making you think.

“Natural phenomena are described by concepts,” the teacher said in class. "The science of physics describes natural phenomena using physical concepts. And a physicist is one who knows, understands and actively uses complete words-concepts to describe natural phenomena. Each science and sphere of life has its own sets of concepts necessary for people to explain and understand what is already known about natural phenomena for today.

The phenomena can be mechanical, sound, thermal, electrical or magnetic, optical and others, which you will learn about gradually. And this all means that you can describe, measure, compare and try to change phenomena so that their presence is more favorable. For example, you can boil water for tea over high heat quickly. But you can lower the heat when you cook soup or chorba.

Of course, not all phenomena can be changed. Most often, we can observe phenomena, learn and be inspired by them, analyze them, comparing them with other phenomena. However, remember, you can compare, for example, the air temperature yesterday and today, but you cannot compare the temperature of the water, the height of the sun above the horizon, the brightness of the grass on the shore, the intensity of feelings, the taste of ice cream. Yes, they may be parts of one beautiful day, but each of these phenomena is measured by its own numbers and described by its own words-concepts, which in their entirety constitute theories. Air movements and sunrise are described by different theories."

“A person can understand in his or her own way the beauty of the sun, sea, flowers, feelings, sounds, tastes without theories,” thought Apollinaria. "But when it comes to describing in words to put something together, it becomes so difficult. How do I find common words for descriptions that are still clear to me, but already clear enough to others?"


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