I wasn't that keen on the idea.
I mean, my dad works for local government, and so I thought it was going to be a bit dull, really.
Sorry, Dad.
But It turned out a lot better than I expected.
The staff had been part of the scheme before, so they were used to having teenagers around the office.
But what I really liked was that they'd planned the day.
I wasn't just sitting at a desk, and I wasn't stuck with my dad all the time.
I worked on reception and sat in on a planning meeting in the morning.
But the best part was writing a job advert.
That really helped me see what skills you need to get an interview.
At first I thought I was going to miss out on the scheme as my mum works from home, but I got a place where my aunt works.
She's an engineer in a local company, but to be honest I wasn't really sure what that meant day to day.
Seeing her in her place of work really opened my eyes.
The work is a lot more varied than I thought.
She works with the highways team so they're responsible for the construction of new roads.
The team talked me through the key stages from the basic map stage through a computer simulation and then an actual visit to the construction site.
It was amazing to see work starting on the road, from a safe distance.
My mum dropped me off at reception before she headed out to see some clients.
Her colleagues were expecting me, but it was pretty clear no 1 knew what to do with a 13 year old.
I'd really been looking forward to seeing life on the inside, at a magazine studio.
I'd really been looking forward to seeing life on the inside, at a magazine studio.
I'd really been looking forward to seeing life inside a magazine studio.
Okay, so it's not fashion, but it's still part of the media and an area I'm really interested in.
By 11 o'clock, I hadn't really done anything.
Then a woman came over to me, handed me some old copies of their magazines and said, Here you are, in case you're feeling bored.
What a waste of time!
My dad doesn't talk about his job as a food scientist much and this was the first time I'd been inside his lab.
It all started well when I put on a white coat, hat and protective glasses.
I was sure we were going to see some cool experiments and try some of the latest food.
We did have a go at a taste test, but it was something I'd already done at school.
What I really wanted was to see some of the food under development, but That wasn't possible.
They have to keep it all a secret because of competition.
No wonder Dad doesn't tell us much.
The law is an important part of my mum's life.
Her dad represented people in court too.
I think she'd like 1 of us to follow in her footsteps, but my dream is to do something creative.
But I was happy enough to go along.
I knew the work wouldn't be anything like you see in TV dramas.
My mum refuses to watch them.
But I didn't expect to find it all so fascinating.
Talking to my mum's colleagues showed me how important their work is.
We discussed a fictitious case in the office and then even went to the court to watch part of a trial.
I might even be changing my mind about my career, but it's still early days and please don't tell my mum.
Thank you.
I would not recommend the scheme to other teenagers.
I might consider doing the same job as one of my parents.
I was hoping to learn something new, but did not.
I was astounded by the number of activities in the job.
I was frustrated they did not know how to treat someone my age.
I feel proud that I’ve taken part in the scheme.
I learned something useful for when I want to get a job.
I wish my parents had told me what to expect.
1 → I learned something useful for when I want to get a job.(Подросток в тексте 1 писал вакансию и понял, какие навыки нужны для трудоустройства.)
2 → I was astounded by the number of activities in the job.(В тексте 2 подросток удивился разнообразию работы инженеров и процессу строительства дороги.)
3 → I was frustrated they did not know how to treat someone my age.(В тексте 3 подросток был разочарован тем, что сотрудники журнала не знали, чем его занять.)
4 → I was hoping to learn something new, but did not.(В тексте 4 подросток ожидал интересных экспериментов, но столкнулся с секретностью.)
5 → I might consider doing the same job as one of my parents.(В тексте 5 подросток сначала не хотел идти по стопам матери-юриста, но изменил мнение.)
Лишние утверждения:
I would not recommend the scheme to other teenagers.
I feel proud that I’ve taken part in the scheme.
I wish my parents had told me what to expect.
Hot desking? No way.
With a large number of (1) .............. (EMPLOY) opting to accept theircompany's offer of flexible working hours in order to beat the rush hour traffic orspend quality time with their families, it would not be (2) .............. (REASON)of those companies to impose a hot-desk policy. Indeed, there are (3) ..............(COMPEL) reasons for such a move, not least that of maximizing the (4) ..............(AVAILABLE) of office equipment.
The practice has been in place for many years at some (5) ..............(ESTABLISH), but its popularity is questionable. The need for a dedicated officespace that is one's own and contains that person's (6) .............. (BELONG) isdeeply rooted in many people and is linked to an almost (7) ..............(PRIME) fear of being unsettled, rather like a wanderer or traveller who has nobase.
There is a sense that not being given a personal space implies that the employee is(8) .............. (VALUE). For others, however, the very lack of dedicated officespace brings a (9) .............. (DEFINE) element of freedom.
Hot desking? No way.
With a large number of (1) employees (EMPLOY) opting to accept their company's offer of flexible working hours in order to beat the rush hour traffic or spend quality time with their families, it would not be (2) reasonable (REASON) of those companies to impose a hot-desk policy. Indeed, there are (3) compelling (COMPEL) reasons for such a move, not least that of maximizing the (4) availability (AVAILABLE) of office equipment.
The practice has been in place for many years at some (5) establishments (ESTABLISH), but its popularity is questionable. The need for a dedicated office space that is one's own and contains that person's (6) belongings (BELONG) is deeply rooted in many people and is linked to an almost (7) primal (PRIME) fear of being unsettled, rather like a wanderer or traveller who has no base.
There is a sense that not being given a personal space implies that the employee is(8) undervalued (VALUE). For others, however, the very lack of dedicated office space brings a (9) defining (DEFINE) element of freedom.