When you read a textbook or study with a tutor, he or she gives you explanations on the theory. But the flexibility of your tongue is acquired by hours of practice, just as the experience of a pilot, musician or athlete is acquired by hours of practice. Practice develops stable conditioned reflexes, when you are able to correctly and quickly pronounce meaningful phrases, despite the noise, tension, or impatient questions of who you are talking to.
Practice is usually divided into several stages. In the beginning, you tend to do everything slowly and thoughtfully, to read and listen carefully. This will provide you with B1 and B2 knowledge levels. During this period, prepared translations and audio texts are great for learning, so you can stop and think, pause, slow down, check the dictionary. We have prepared such texts for you in our blog.
When the meaning of the text is clear, you can hear better and speak faster, and faster. On the video, you can even overtake native speakers. This will make you feel confident in a real situation, because in a real situation, people get stressed and slow down. Thus, your speed will be exactly what you need.
At the third stage of language practice, you should start creating your own texts, inspired by samples of the best essays, stories, letters, articles, dialogues and monologues. This is done by our students, and we are happy to support them in their work, check for errors and help make their texts better.
We offer you the best examples of texts on our blog. For instance, these are essays for admission or for IELTS, which received the highest score. The same goes for letters or stories - we openly give the best samples of work that received the highest marks in exams. With us, you can look through these examples and make your own, conveying your values, supporting your interests, your talent, your uniqueness - you express yourself clearly and in the best possible way. This will come in handy when communicating with clients, employers, partners, and even relatives and friends.
If you feel a need for tutor's help or want feedback on your text, write us in chat or Telegram @Elena_Buran_Eng (for Russian, Serbian, English, Italian), we are happy to support you in the best way.
Here are the tag-links to texts prepared for language practice: