It's a healthy soul, right? What associations do you have with the word “health”? It's great"! These are “healthy relationships”, “sound ideas”, “sanity,” right? So, you have an understanding of health at the level of the soul, but simply in the last century, neither the topic of the soul nor the topic of soul health has been much discussed. They talk about mental, not soul health. Why? Because it is a delicate sphere, which might not have left a single firm point in ideologies adopted officially and in the standards of behaviour and thinking adopted by people. And then what? Everyone is afraid of losing control of souls because this is the energy of labour, the creation of values.
So, it means that mental\soul health is associated with creation, the energy of work, overcoming the fear of super-control or chaos. Perfectly! Because this means that mental health is a condition in which there is a successful creative process without any kind of violence, the achievement of success as a result of this process and sharing the results with all participants, according to the roles that they voluntarily assumed following the talent of everyone.
What does this mean if we write shorter?
Mental-soul health is when energy creates beauty in the desert.
Mental and soul health is when an impartial search finds the best.
Mental\soul health - when your favourite business grows day after day, as it is your labour of love.
Mental and soul health - when all events you turn to the useful side of things.
Mental and soul health - as reciprocity is always accurate.
Mental health - when money connects the right people.
Mental health - when a true winner shares his or her success.
These short definitions in psychology are called values. Values, from the moment this word appeared in different languages, mean "things to which we attribute great or major importance." And for people with different types of intelligence, values are described differently. For practical people, for example, gold or property is a value. And they choose formulas for regulating the state of the soul like “Silence is gold”, “Not all gold that glitters”. There are four basic types of intelligence. Why? Because it has long been known that the brain has 4 active areas with their specific functions. And each type of intelligence selects its formula-phrases for adjusting mental-soul health.
Therefore, to adjust the soul health of my clients, I conduct diagnostics of the type of intelligence, the level of personal passionary energy(“how vigorously”), check what level of competencies is achieved, for each type of intelligence its own set. I look at behavioural attitudes. And then we crystallize those phrases-formulas-values that regulate the state of soul health.
Simply put, we open the treasury of your soul and admire what beautiful words are being pronounced there to describe your behaviour, aspirations, thoughts, feelings in the best possible way. And every time you doubt or decide which way to go, you can get this treasury from your memory and consider which formula is best to rely on in a certain case.
Over time, more values will be added. And they have to be added in a single spirit of goodness, creation, love. And these are the very formulas that you will really like and will look like truths for you, tested on your skin and experience, and will perform the functions of protecting the immunity of the soul from any extraneous and harmful influences. And the protective functions of immunity are just what provides health, as you all know perfectly.
What are the derivatives of soul health?
If the values are clear, then it’s clear what to talk about with people, what to build a relationship on. After all, relationships are built on the similarity of values. And as long as you have not split with people in values, they stay close ones to you. If values are understood and accepted by you as a couple, as a team, as a community, it protects against conflicts and allows you to speak “in one language”, “be unanimous”, and unanimous people work faster and more fruitfully. The family has always been built on a single core of values. Common values are clear - there are no grounds for quarrels and divorces. Even if there are disagreements on “additional” values, but the core of common values is intact, there will be no serious differences in positions. Parting and disappointment always happen where values were not clear from the very beginning, people just go their separate ways through life, they have "little in common."
What other derivatives of mental and soul health?
After all, there is a left hand and a right hand, right? Therefore, relationships are relationships, but values work perfectly in self-motivation, in the development of talent, business, in understanding oneself, "at what stage I am now." Why? Because each type of intelligence has a set of competencies, and they grow like inflorescences And each competency is supported by its own set of values. For example, “a professional always achieves his or her result” - you will tell yourself when you win the court, .. or even lose the court, but for the benefit of yourself. And this, you must admit, will differ from the value “finances come and go in cat steps”, for example, which your financial director will say, urging you not to make sudden movements in the negotiation process or in organizing events in the market. And there are a lot of values, in fact, and stories behind them, I won’t describe here everything.
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