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Mind to heal grandma's importunity

Writer: Тимофей МилорадовичТимофей Милорадович

- So, mom, come on, this weekend we're not there anyway, because we're going to the mountains

- What a great idea! I'm coming too

- Eh, yes, I'll talk…. I talk to Carla and then let's see

- Hello!

- Hi, love!

- Loredana, I didn't think you would be here again today

- Yes, Carla, I'm here again today, why is it a problem?

- Mom, what are you saying?! Can you be a problem?! We are pleased to have you here, aren't we, love?

- Yes, yes. I didn't want to be misunderstood

- Ok, now sorry, I have to go back to my studio to work. Anyway, mom, you stay for dinner too, right?

- Yes, true.

-Ah, Ivan, if you pass in front of Lorenzo's room, see if he has finished doing his homework, so I will pass to correct it

- Ok, mom

- But ... I usually correct it for him

- Ok, grandma will do it today. Ah, listen, Carla, for this evening I would like you to make me some white rice, perhaps with grilled chicken slices and some salad. You know I need to be light

- But I don't think I have these things in the house

- Ok. Go out and get to the supermarket

- Loredana, I just got back from work

- Just don't change and go to the supermarket. Count me for the family. I have always cooked different dishes for each of them and have never complained

- You are good.

- Yes, I am. But who does the dust-cleaning in this house?

- Why?

- Because it's not well done, and besides, you should clean the windows once in a while, and the curtains too. Come on, look, I'm not saying it for myself. I know you and I know that you are Spartan and you are fine with my son. But if you invite someone you will not look good, Carla

- Eh, I will do it

- Ok, I'm going to see if Lorenzo has finished his homework

- I'm coming too.

- Hi, Lorenzo, so, do we know?

- Yes, yes. Hello Mom!

- My love,

- I didn't know you were back.

- Come on, come on, stay with Grandma. You always see your mother, you never see your grandmother

- But that's not true, grandmother, you're always here

- Okay, but how beautiful you are with the shirt I gave you. Luckily I'll buy you some nice clothes, because otherwise your mom would send you around dressed like a desperate one. You should tell your mom to learn how to dress a little better

- What?!

- But yes, Carla, you don't know how to value yourself, you're not thin already. So, with the things you wear, you look even bigger.

- Grandmother, that's not true, mom is beautiful as she is

-But yes, yes for every child ... mother is wonderful, she goes well, let's forget it. So, do we know things? Ah, Carla, the supermarket closes soon

- Yup! I'm going, I'm going!

- Love, are you all right? I've got you weird all evening.

- Yes, yes, all right, all right

- Come on, tell me. I can see that there is something wrong, I know you too well

- How can I tell you?!

- Just tell me.

- I just can't stand your mother anymore

- Why do you say this? What has that poor woman done to you?

- First of all, she is always here

- You know she is alone, dad is gone, and my brothers live far away

- Yes, I understand, but you see that we don't even have a moment of privacy

- It is not true

- How it is not true? Yes, it is, and then she treats me very badly, she criticizes everything I do: how I manage the house, how I raise Lorenzo, how I dress, what and how much I eat. She even told me I'm fat.

- What are you saying?! I've never heard her say these things to you

- Of course, because she is smart, and she tells them when you are not there

- Carla, don't overdo it now

- You do not believe me?

- No, my mom wouldn't be capable of such a thing

- Are you not coming to bed?

- No, I'm going to the living room to see some TV, I got nervous

- Lorenzo, still with this cell phone?

- Come on, Grandma, I'm finishing a game. Dad, when does mom arrive?

- Mom will be late tonight

- I wanted to be with her for a while,

-You are right, Honey, a mom should stay at home with her baby like I did with your dad and his brothers

- But mom works

-But she might not do it either because your dad already brings home a good salary

-Yes, but mom likes what she does and helps many people

-But mom should like to stay at home with her son and help her family

- Grandma, mom does this too, why don't you love her?

- Lorenzo, what are you saying? Why shouldn't grandma love mom?

-Because she always criticizes her as she does now, she tells her that she is fat, that she dresses badly, that she does not know how to keep the house clean. Mom never answers, but after that I see that she is sad

- Mom, is that true?

- Do not even mention it

- Grandma, you taught me not to tell lies. Why are you doing it now?

- Lorenzo, stay here for a moment please I have to talk to the grandmother, come mom.

- Mom, is there something you need to tell me?

- Your son is exaggerating. I must have said yes and no about two or three little things

- What specifically?

- Well, you have your eyes too, this house needs to be clean, tidier and Carla too should be more feminine and follow her son more, why couldn't she be satisfied with being a mother like I did?!

- Mom, you gave your best to me, my brothers and dad. You have been and are a wonderful mother and in addition to taking care of us, you also took care of the house, because dad always worked. But now times have changed. It is not only Carla's responsibility to keep the house clean and tidy and to raise our son, but it is also mine. It is from here your severe judgment of my wife. It is also about me. Your behavior is inappropriate and intrusive. This made me understand that you have to be more respectful towards Carla, as she is towards you, and you have to give us the freedom to live our family life, as we believe is more right for us.

- I do not know what to say

- You don't have to say anything. Just apologize

- I'll do it tonight for dinner

- I do not believe

- Why?

- Because, mom, you are having dinner at your house tonight, I want to be alone with my family

- Of course I understand. … Ah, Carla, are you already here?

- Yes, I went back earlier

- I wanted to apologize and take away the disturbance, goodbye

- Goodbye.


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