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Načini izražavanja budućeg vremena

Writer's picture: elenaburanelenaburan

Updated: Nov 26, 2024

Ići autom

Ići ću autom Ići ćemo autom

Ići ćeš autom Ići ćete autom

On ići će autom Ići će autom

Ona će ići autom


Sutra doći ću tamo

Za pet minuta hoćeš li piti u vodu

Prekosutra će ići na plivanje

Tokom vikenda imaće sladoled

Ujutru bićemo kući

Uveče neće biti dosadno .

Za nedelju dana pamtiće ovo mesto

Za godinu dana bićeš u gradu

Ana: Dan will be back soon. Did he know you were coming?

Alex: Yes, we talked earlier. We are going to a bike race, so we want to plan our training schedule.

Ana: Sounds serious. When is it?

Alex: In about a month. It will be tough, but we will do a lot of training - long rides on weekends and shorter rides during the week.

Ana: Wow! But you won't train every day, will you?

Alex: That's what we are going to discuss now.

Ana: Here. Do you want tea? Would you like some, Alex?

Alex: Yes, please. No sugar for me - I’m in training!

Dan: Okay. I'll just get a pen to write down our plan.

Ana: Amy is coming over. We're going to watch a movie - do you want to join us?

Dan: Yeah, maybe...


Dan: What are you going to watch?

Ana: We haven't decided. Maybe the new Around the World... or Adventure.

Alex: If you choose Adventure, I'll stay, but I won't if it's Around the World.

Dan: What's Around the World about?

Ana: The mountains of Montenegro.

Dan: Oh, I know all about that!

Amy: Come on, it will be good. It got great reviews.

Dan: Ah, alright then.

Ana: Mom will call soon. Should we wait for her call?

Amy: Good idea. Where is she?

Dan: Egypt. In Alexandria, but she’s heading south tomorrow. To Luxor, I think.

Amy: Isn't she stopping in Cairo?

Ana: I think so, yes. How is the planning going?

Dan: Ah, well. We won't participate in the race! We won't be ready. And Alex wants to put sugar in his tea again!

Ana: That must be Mom.

Dan: I'll get it.

Alex: And we'll make popcorn, right, Amy?

Amy: Let's do it.

We have different ways to talk about the future. The structure we use depends on the function of what we want to say, whether we are talking about arrangements, plans, predictions, etc.

Mislio sam da je "hoću" buduće vrijeme.

That's one way to talk about the future, but there are others.

Dan će se uskoro vratiti.

Nećemo biti spremni.

Mislite li da će padati kiša danas popodne?

We also use "I will" when we decide something at the moment we are speaking.

(Zvono na vratima) Otvoriću ih.

Siguran sam da ćeš se dobro provesti.

What about decisions made before the moment of speaking?

Ejmi dolazi.

Idemo gledati film - želiš li nam se pridružiti?

Sta radiš veceras?

Is there a difference between them?

We use the present more for arrangements with other people and for intentions. Sometimes it’s important to choose the right structure, but often we can use either because many events are both arrangements and intentions.

Ejmi dolazi. (= dogovor između Ejmi i Ane)

Ejmi će doći. (= Amijeva namjera)

Večeras ću pospremiti svoju sobu. (= namjera)

Večeras čistim svoju sobu. (nije aranžman)

Da li bih mogao da kažem 'idem u bioskop sa Aleksom'?

Da, to je tačno.

Idem u bioskop sa Aleksom.

A 'Ići ću u bioskop sa Aleksom'?

We don't use "will" for arrangements or intentions if the decision was made before the moment of speaking, do we?

We also use the future for predictions, especially when you see that something is happening or will happen.

Pazi! Prosut ćeš tu kafu.

Mislim da će Zelena stranka pobijediti na izborima.

OK, and one more thing! Is it correct to say: 'When is the race?' That's the present simple, right?

Yes. You can use the present tense for scheduled events.

Moj avion poleće sutra u 16h.

Utakmica počinje u 20 sati.

Biće vam teško ovo da uradite.

Neka bude svjetlost!

Neću biti astronaut

Ne budi astronaut

Budite njegov dizajner.

Budi ti moj prijatelj

Budimo uspješni i sretni

Ja da budem direktor

Neka budu stanovnici.

Nikad neću razumeti budućnost!


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