Na putu okolo
Nikolay Velimirovich

The noise of the day subsides, and the sun in the west turns red, ashamed of its morning passion and broken hopes. And the Black Raven stuck his staff on a mountain overgrown with pines and followed the setting sun around the earth, preventing the sun from setting or rising, because he wanted to see the entire planet from one angle of sunlight. When, having gone around the path, he returned again to the mountain, the green pines and red foxes under the pines, and the colorful birds on the branches, and the big-eyed fish from the silver lake - his old acquaintances - all began to ask:
Buka dana jenjava, a sunce na zapadu crveni se, stideći se jutarnje strasti i slomljenih nada. A Crni Gavran zabode svoj štap na planinu obraslu borovima i prati zalazeće sunce oko zemlje, sprečavajući sunce da zađe ili izađe, jer je hteo da vidi celu planetu iz jednog ugla sunčeve svetlosti. Kada se, obišavši stazu, opet vratio u planinu, zeleni borovi i crvene lisice pod borovima, i šarene ptice na granama, i krupnooke ribe iz srebrnog jezera - njegovi stari poznanici - sve je počelo pitati:
- Tell me, Raven, what did you see when you followed the sun around the earth?
- Reci, Gavrane, šta si video kada si pratio sunce oko zemlje?
Raven looked with an all-merciful glance at the green pines, at the red foxes, at the colorful birds, at the big-eyed fishes in the silver lake and said:
Gavran pogleda svemilosrdnim pogledom u zelene borove, u crvene lisice, u šarene ptice, u krupnooke ribe u srebrnom jezeru i reče:
- I saw myself, fragmented, disguised, alienated, self-forgotten, chained - myself.
- Video sam sebe, rascepkanog, zamaskiranog, otuđenog, samozaboravljenog, okovanog - sebe.
I saw without number fools with scepters of wisdom, and God crucified in them.
Video sam bezbrojne bezumne sa žezlima mudrosti, i Boga raspetog u njima.
I saw many cruel rulers with signs of God's mercy, and God crucified in them.
Video sam mnoge surove vladare sa znacima milosti Božije, i Boga raspetog u njima.
And a multitude of saints, clad in a straitjacket of shame, and God crucified in them.
I mnoštvo svetih, obučenih u luđačku košulju srama, i Boga raspetog u njima.
And many evildoers at the head of the table, and God crucified in them.
I mnogi zlotvori na čelu trpeze, i Boga raspetog u njima.
And many slanderers with leadership in their hands, and God crucified in them.
I mnogi klevetnici sa vođstvom u rukama, i Boga raspetog u njima.
And many villains in purple togas of glory, and God crucified in them.
I mnogi zlikovci u purpurnim togama slave, i Boga raspetog u njima.
I saw sons rebelling against the Father, and the Father obsequiously serving his sons.
Video sam sinove koji se bune protiv Oca, i Oca kako pokorno služi svojim sinovima.
But the greatest thing I have seen is not a man without sin, but a man who consciously and voluntarily atones for his sin.
Ali najveća stvar koju sam video nije čovek bez greha, već čovek koji svesno i dobrovoljno iskupljuje svoj greh.
The exaltation of a humiliated God is the only thing that seemed to me greater even than God himself, and incomparably greater than the earth.
Uzvišenost poniženog Boga je jedino što mi se učinilo većim čak i od samog Boga, a neuporedivo veće od zemlje.
And I saw, my twins, everywhere I saw the claws of Lucifer, although they are rarely not hidden in gloves; and his horns, though they are seldom not hidden under a cap; and his colorless eyes, although they are rarely hidden behind colored glasses; and his icy face, although it is rarely shown without a good mask; and a sword in his hand, though he seldom appears without a cross; and an olive branch of peace on his chest, though it is seldom worn without a poisoned arrow; and the daffodil of love in his hair, though he is seldom not entwined with snakes.
I video sam, blizanci moji, svuda sam video kandže Luciferove, iako se retko ne kriju u rukavicama; i njegove rogove, iako se retko ne kriju pod kapom; i njegove bezbojne oči, iako se retko ne skrivaju iza obojenih naočara; i njegovo ledeno lice, iako se retko prikazuje bez dobre maske; i mač u ruci, iako se retko pojavljuje bez krsta; i maslinovu grančicu mira na grudima, iako se retko nosi bez otrovne strele; i narcis ljubavi u kosi, iako retko kada nije upleten sa zmijama.
Green pine trees and red foxes and colorful birds and big-eyed fish in the silver lake were filled with great fear, and then they asked the Black Raven again:
Zeleni borovi i crvene lisice, i šarene ptice, i krupnooke ribe u srebrnom jezeru ispuniše se velikim strahom, a onda ponovo upitaše Crnog vrana:
- Tell us, Twin Raven, did your journey after the sun make you happier, richer?
- Reci nam, Gavrane Blizanci, da li te je tvoje putovanje posle sunca učinilo srećnijim, bogatijim?
Raven replied:
Gavran je odgovorio:
- Even if all the snow turned into sugar, and all the moisture of the rains into malvasia, the bitterness of my soul would not be sweetened. For my soul does not desire sweetness from without. Yes, she does not strive to drink sweetness, but to drink sweetness.
- I da se sav sneg pretvori u šećer, a sva vlaga kiša u malvaziju, ne bi se zasladila gorčina moje duše. Jer duša moja ne želi slasti spolja. Da, ona i ne traži da sama pije slatko, nego da drugima da da piju slatko.
If all the dust under my feet turned into emeralds, and all the leaves on the trees into diamonds, my wealth would not increase. For my soul does not expect riches from without. Her desire, and her cross, is to enrich herself with herself, and not with clothes.
Kad bi se sva prašina pod mojim nogama pretvorila u smaragde, a svo lišće na drveću u dijamante, moje bogatstvo se ne bi povećalo. Jer moja duša ne očekuje bogatstvo spolja. Njena želja, i njen krst, je da se obogati sobom, a ne odećom.
If all the flattering words were expressed to me, all the honors were shown and all the thrones were given, nothing could reduce my sadness, except for the souls that would join my soul, which would merge with my soul and double my soul, triple it, completely humanize it.
Kad bi mi se iskazale sve laskave reči, ukazane su sve počasti i dali svi prestoli, ništa ne bi moglo da umanji tugu moju, osim duša koje bi se pridružile mojoj duši; koje bi se spojile sa mojom dušom i udvostručile, utrostručile moju dušu, usve-očovečile.
And the green pines, and the red foxes, and the colorful birds, and the big-eyed fishes from the silver lake also asked:
I zeleni borovi, i crvene lisice, i ptice šarene, i krupnooke ribe sa srebrnog jezera pitahu:
- What is the path that you have passed, Raven?
- Koji je put kojim si prošao, Gavrane?
- It's a circle, Raven replied. - It's the same as the one you go through when you're moving and even when you're not moving.
- To je krug, - odgovorio je Gavran, - To je isto kao i ono kroz koje prolazite kada se krećete, pa čak i kada se ne krećete.
I passed through plants and minerals, saw myself in them, and came to myself through them.
Prošao sam kroz biljke i minerale, video sebe u njima i kroz njih došao sebi.
I passed through skimns and snakes, through angry arelans and doves that dwell at the huts, and through them I returned to myself.
Prošao sam kroz ljuske i zmije, kroz ljute arelane i golubove koji žive po kolibama, i kroz njih sam se vratio sebi.
I passed through iron and mercury, through crystal and precious stones, through coal and radium, and, looking around, found myself again in myself.
Prošao sam kroz gvožđe i živu, kroz kristal i drago kamenje, kroz ugalj i radijum, i, pogledavši oko sebe, ponovo našao sebe u sebi.
I settled in polar mosses and marsh mushrooms, and did not find alienness.
Nastanio sam se u polarnim mahovinama i močvarnim pečurkama i nisam našao vanzemaljstvo.
I flew with the wind and dozed with the turtles, and the circle was still formed.
Leteo sam uz vetar i dremao sa kornjačama, a krug se još formirao.
I chirped with the grasshoppers, hummed with the bumblebees and cuckooed with the cuckoos, and when I looked around me, I saw the same circle.
Cvrkutao sam sa skakavcima, pjevušio sa bumbarima i kukao sa kukavicama, a kad sam pogledao oko sebe, ugledao sam isti krug.
I rushed horizontally, vowing: "I will no longer move in a circle!" But when I thought that I was on the edge of the universe, I saw again a closed ring.
Jurio sam horizontalno, zaklinjajući se: "Neću se više kretati u krug!" Ali kada sam pomislio da sam na ivici svemira, ponovo sam video zatvoren prsten.
Again and again I found myself in the guise of different people, in the skins of animals, in the robes of flowers, looking for strangeness, but when I thought that I had climbed into the farthest distance, I returned in an invisible circle to the closest proximity.
Iznova i iznova sam se nalazio u maskama različitih ljudi, u kožama životinja, u haljinama cveća, tražeći neobičnost, ali kada sam pomislio da sam se popeo u najdalju daljinu, vratio sam se u nevidljivi krug u najbliža blizina.
I fled from myself to avoid the inevitable, but when I collapsed from fatigue, I saw that I was in my usual bed.
Pobegao sam od sebe da izbegnem neizbežno, ali kada sam se srušio od umora, video sam da sam u svom uobičajenom krevetu.
The green pines and the red foxes and the colorful birds and the big-eyed fishes from the silver lake decided to ask about one more thing:
Zeleni borovi i crvene lisice i šarene ptice i krupnooke ribe sa srebrnog jezera rešiše da pitaju još nešto:
- Can we help you, Raven, twin of all that exists?
- Možemo li ti pomoći, Gavrane, blizanac svega što postoji?
- You can't help me if you don't help everything. And you will help everything, thinking about the All-Man.
- Ne možete mi pomoći ako ne pomognete svemu. I sve ćeš pomoći, misleći na Svečoveka.
Know, my twins: the All-Man is the Crucified God in everything. All that is on earth is the crosses of the Crucified God.
Znajte, blizanci moji: Svečovek je u svemu raspeti Bog. Sve što je na zemlji su krstovi Raspetog Boga.
The All-man is that which is not deceitful in a liar, is not thievish in a thief, is not incendiary in an incendiary, which is not destructive in a conqueror, and not fornication in a fornicator, and not fearful in a frightened one, and not greedy in a greedy one, and not fearfully in a dying one. This is the All-Man.
Svečovek je ono što nije varljivo u lažovcu, nije lopov u lopovu, nije zapaljivo u zapaljivom, što nije pogubno u pobedniku, nije rasipno u bludniku, i nije strašljivo u uplašenom, i nije pohlepan u pohlepnom, i nije plašljivo u umirućem. Ovo je Sve-čovek.
All-man, my twins, is that which is perceived as winged in the snake, as fresh in a rotten apple, unselfish in a badger, enduring in a pine tree, unseparated in a fox, invincible in a bird, happy in a fish, creative in a silver lake, and alive in a graveyard. This is All-man.
Svečoveče, blizanci moji, ono što se u zmiji doživljava kao krilato, u truloj jabuci sveže, u jazavcu nesebično, u boru postojano, u lisici nerazdvojeno, u ptici nepobedivo, u ribi srećno, kreativno je u srebrnom jezeru i živo na groblju. Ovo je Svečovek.
The All-Man is the Mother of Lucifer, who allowed her son to humiliate her, crush her, belittle her, constrain her, spit on her and crucify her - all out of a mother's love for her son.
Svečovek je Majka Lucifera, koja je dozvolila svom sinu da je ponižava, zgnječi, omalovažava, sputava, pljuje na nju i razapinje – sve iz majčinske ljubavi prema sinu.
I want to restore the Mother, gather her, restore her strength, empower and resurrect her.
Želim da obnovim Majku, okupim je, vratim joj snagu, osnažim i vaskrsnem.
I swear to you by the Crucified Mother that I will fulfill my will with your help.
Kunem ti se Raspetom Majkom da ću uz tvoju pomoć ispuniti svoju volju.
Superman built towers on unequal foundations of the external differences of the world. Therefore, his towers collapsed.
Svrhčovek je gradio kule na nejednakim temeljima spoljašnjih razlika sveta. Stoga su se njegove kule srušile.
And we will build the tower of a new world, a new history, on the basis of the inner - the very inner - the equality of everything, or the crucifixion of everything.
I mi ćemo izgraditi kulu novog sveta, nove istorije, na osnovu unutrašnje – same unutrašnje – jednakosti svega, ili raspeća svega.
Therefore, I say to you, my twins: you cannot help me (and yourself) if you do not help everything. And you can help everything by thinking about the All-Man. First of all, thinking about the All-Man.
Zato vam kažem, blizanci moji: ne možete pomoći meni (i sebi) ako ne pomognete svemu. A svemu možete pomoći razmišljajući o Svečoveku. Pre svega, razmišljajući o Svečoveku.