For each question, choose the correct answer.
1. College Shop
Now is the time to buy
essential items like pens and
folders - prices reduced
until Friday.
Open daily during lunch
breaks. Also for 30 minutes
after last class everyday
apart from Monday.
A) Students must go to the college shop to buy certain items for their studies.
B) Students can take advantage of special offers at the college shop at the moment
C) Students may visit the college shop at lunchtime every day except Monday.
2. Hi Max
I'm afraid l'll no longer
be able to come on
the shopping trip
tomorrow. My aunt is
visiting and didn't give
us much notice.
A) Suggest a new date for a shopping trip
B) Invite Max to meet one of his relatives
C) Cancel an arrangement he had mad
3. Special Offer
order any pizza by
7 p.m. and
get another
one half-price!
A) All the pizzas in the restaurant are included in this offer.
B) Any pizza ordered before 7 p.m. costs less than the usual price.
C) At certain times, a customer can get two pizzas for the price of one.
4. We've done very well
with the recycling paper and
plastic waste in the school
this term - but we could do
better! Please put any
suggestions in the box
outside my office.
A) Mr Wood has made suggestions on how to recycle waste produced by the school.
B) Recycling material should be put into the box outside Mr Wood's office.
C) Mr Wood wants new ideas on ways to improve waste recycling in the school.
5. Hi Sam,
Thanks for taking me
to the cinema last
night. I didn't say at
the time, but I was a
bit frightened! I think
I need to watch a
comedy next time!
Mel is texting to
A) accept Sam's invitation to the cinema.
B) admit to Sam that she found the film scary.
C) ask when Sam can see another film with her.