Pogledati (to look)
Ja gledam, Mi gledamo
Ti gledaš, Vi gledate
On gleda, Oni gledaju.
Ona gleda.
Obično jedem malo. (I usually eat a little).
Uvek sija sunce ovde. (The sun always shines here)
Često ide u planine. (He often goes to the mountains.)
Sada smo kući. (We are home now)
Danas idete na plažu. (You are going to the beach today)
Ove nedelje ostaju u gradu. (They are staying in town this week)
Ovog meseca dobija boravišnu dozvolu. (This month he gets a residence permit).
Ove godine polaže ispit iz jezika. (This year he is taking the language exam)
Tokom vremena dobijaju stalnu boravišnu dozvolu. (Over time, they get a permanent residence permit)
U pet sati pijem kafu. (I drink coffee at five o'clock)
Uveče sretne prijatelja. (He meets a friend in the evening).
Dan: Hey, Stefan, what are you doing?
Stefan: I'm studying for tomorrow's test. You?
Dan: Yeah, me too. Well... I'm just posting some photos on Facebook, and texting Peter... oh, and downloading the new album... oh yeah, and I'm drinking coffee too. It's tiring, all this studying! Oh, and at eight, I'm meeting Lukas, just for a quick coffee. It's important that I take regular breaks, you know!
Stefan: You don't really study at all, do you? Come on mate, if you don't pass the test, you'll have to retake it later.
Dan: You sound like my mom! Oh... She's calling me on the phone. I'll call you later, okay?
Stefan: Of course.
Dan: Hi, Mom.
Sofi: Hello, love, what are you doing?
Dan: I'm studying, mom. I have a test tomorrow. What about you?
Sofi: Oh, Dan, I just had to call you. I'm hiking up the mountain!
Dan: Cool.
Sofi: I'm with a tourist group. We are having a great time! We are fine and the sun is shining. Oh, that's a fantastic view, Dan!
Dan: Happy!
Sofi: Well, are you studying for the test?
Dan: I'm trying, Mom!
Sofi: What is Maria doing now? Is he at home?
Dan: No, she's at tennis practice.
Sofi: Of course, yes. OK, I have to go. They are waiting for me to stop talking on the phone! Goodbye love.
Dan: Bye, Mom.
The present tense is used when we need to emphasize the action itself, like "the sun is shining". We also use the present tense when we talk about actions that are happening now or regularly, such as "I have porridge with fruit for breakfast in the morning". Or "it usually rains here quickly." The present tense is also used when we talk about the fact of an intended or planned action, as in "I'm going to Belavista in the evening". You also use the present tense to explain the details of a situation or ask clarifying questions like "What about this place, shall we go there?"
Karakteristični završeci sadašnjeg vremena:
Biti (to be) - ja sam, ti si, vi ste, mi smo, oni su, on je, ona je, ono jeste.
Hteti (to want, will) - Ja hoću, ti hoćeš, vi hoćete, mi hoćemo, on hoće, ona hoće, oni hoće,
Raditi (to do)- ja radim, ti radiš, vi radite, mi radimo, on radi, ona radi, ono radi, oni rade.
Jediti (to eat) - ja jedem, ti jedeš, vi jedete, mi jedemo, on jede, ona jede, ono jede, oni jedu.
Iditi (to go) - ja idem, ti ideš, vi idete, mi idemo, on ide, ona ide, ono ide, oni idu.
Imati (to have)- ja imam, ti imaš, vi imate, mi imamo. on ima, ona ima, ono ima, oni imaju,