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Verb Conjugation Cheat Sheet for Mosi: Present and Past Tense in Serbian

Writer's picture: elenaburanelenaburan

Present Tense – Prezent

In Serbian, present tense is formed by adding specific endings to the verb stem.


Singular (Jednina)

Plural (Množina)

1st person (I / We)

-m (ja radim – I work)

-mo (mi radimo – we work)

2nd person (You)

(ti radiš – you work)

-te (vi radite – you all work)

3rd person (He/She/It/They)

-∅ (on/ona/ono radi – he/she/it works)

-e / -u (oni/one/ona rade – they work)

📌 Example: Raditi (to work)

  • Ja radim (I work)

  • Ti radiš (You work)

  • On/Ona/Ono radi (He/She/It works)

  • Mi radimo (We work)

  • Vi radite (You all work)

  • Oni/One/Ona rade (They work)

Past Tense – Perfekat

Past tense is formed using the verb "biti" (to be) in past participle and the past participle of the main verb.


Singular (Jednina)

Plural (Množina)

1st person

Ja sam radio/radila (I worked)

Mi smo radili/radile (We worked)

2nd person

Ti si radio/radila (You worked)

Vi ste radili/radile (You all worked)

3rd person

On/Ona/Ono je radio/radila/radilo (He/She/It worked)

Oni/One/Ona su radili/radile (They worked)

📌 Example: Raditi (to work)

  • Ja sam radio/radila (I worked – radio for males, radila for females)

  • Ti si radio/radila (You worked)

  • On/Ona/Ono je radio/radila/radilo (He/She/It worked)

  • Mi smo radili/radile (We worked)

  • Vi ste radili/radile (You all worked)

  • Oni/One/Ona su radili/radile (They worked)

Extra Tip for Mosi 🎯

🔹 Masculine (muški rod): Ja sam radio, oni su radili🔹 Feminine (ženski rod): Ja sam radila, one su radile🔹 Neuter (srednji rod): Ono je radilo, ona su radila


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