Written by Elena Buran

Having answered the questions “Who am I?” and “What do I do in life?”, people are immediately faced with the next logical question: “What do I have to be myself and do what I want?”. And some people don't dive deep in the first two, but enjoy and spend a lot of time compiling an explicit or implicit list of answers to the third question. Other people look for answers to the first or second questions for a very long time and with interest, but they can really answer the third question for themselves decades later, and these answers are not as detailed as those of other people.
What can we really have to be ourselves and do what we want? Surprisingly, you can get very different answers. For example, a young designer might start with a set of her favorite brand's colored pencils and markers. And she can go on and on about how important it is to have a strong hand and eye to make a continuous line with a marker, drawing the outlines of people or the landscape. Eventually, the designer realizes that markers can be replaced by a stylus and a tablet, for example, and what she aspires to have is more the ability to implement ideas and cope with tasks. That is, we can have something tangible-material, but we strive to have something that will always remain with us, wherever we go. This may be an experienced soul, speaking poetically, or just trained intellect, and what is called competencies in modern language.
What can people say who instead of emotional-practical intelligence, like designers, engineers, builders, some doctors, have ethical intelligence? Such people communicate a lot, live in large families and communities. What do they have? Well, they have families and friends, they have connections and ties. And they can most likely define themselves as excellent peacemakers, diplomats, lawyers, negotiators, as well as psychologists and teachers. But guess what - they suffer a lot of intrigue, manipulation, power play, before they can become wise or very cunning. And in the end, they only have families on the surface, but in reality they strive to have super-powers in communication. They strive to have the ability to solve the most intricate relationship problems, they want to be super influential in society. And yes, they can buy very expensive houses and cars to emphasize their status in society, luxury goods are produced for them. But they can also be just people who know how to love and to be friends.
What can rational people have? Traditionally they have the right education, the right job, the right family. And if you think about it, all they have is the rules that they themselves follow, and that others should follow, in their opinion. If these words remind you of someone's father, you understand what it is about. It can also be the "father of the nation", we have known such people in history. Of course, these people eventually come to master certain skills to control everyone and everything, and this may not be pleasant to anyone except themselves. They tend to take away and criticize, up to and including the death penalty. But sometimes it's just fair judges and managers who have and use their intelligence.
What do intuitive people have? What can inventors and researchers, often women and children, who are by nature very intuitive, have? Naturally, they have their creative ideas, vision of situations, the ability to foresee and feel the consequences of those actions that other people commit. Ok, they also can have laboratories and factories. Often it is just a wife who became such a visionary for her rational husband. You might argue that, while French men can be very creative and intuitive, their wives try to be rather rational in order to restrain their husbands' impulses. Yes, of course, everything in nature is prone to balance, love brings all living beings to equilibrium, each person has all four functions of consciousness, but one of them can dominate more or less. This makes up the whole intrigue of life. We complement each other, growing together.
In short, we have values that have been passed on to us in families, in society, through education and communication. And each type of intelligence has its own set of values, which are crystallized formulas that went through the history of generations of people in the form of direct commandments or parables, as well as fairy tales. And then, based on these values, we talk about our creative products and services in presentations and negotiations. To be convincing, we develop competencies. Yes, we have families, friends, businesses, certificates, rights, but our main property is competencies that have grown on the basis of talent, watered by the energy of love in the garden of our life values. Values and competencies are the only things that we really have because this is what no one can take away. Any of our wealth begins with personal interest, values bring people together when they are mutually accepted wherever you live and whatever you do.