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Тимофей Милорадович
5 янв. 2022 г.17 мин. чтения
Cambridge Student's Essay on The narrative voice in English Literature
The narrative voice A key factor of the presentation of the narrative voice is 'how writers and readers imagine each other-the difficult...
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Тимофей Милорадович
5 янв. 2022 г.10 мин. чтения
Human Resource Management, Introduction
Basic concepts: Базовые концепты: What Human Resource Management Is and How It Relates to the Management Process Что такое управление...
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Тимофей Милорадович
5 янв. 2022 г.5 мин. чтения
IELTS Essay on divorces
There are more and more divorces these days. Some people believe that women's independence contributes to the increase in divorce. Other...
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Тимофей Милорадович
5 янв. 2022 г.4 мин. чтения
IELTS Essay on an effective diet for a healthy lifestyle
Is there an effective diet for a healthy lifestyle? How do you feel about diets? Diet is part of a lifestyle, and a healthy lifestyle...
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Тимофей Милорадович
4 янв. 2022 г.18 мин. чтения
Спецкурс IELTS Writing, task 2, Essay
Об экзамене IELTS В ряде учебных заведений стран Европы, Азии и Америки приветствуется сертификат о сдаче IELTS, поскольку преподавание...
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Тимофей Милорадович
2 янв. 2022 г.3 мин. чтения
IELTS essay on The Life Skills
Life skills should be taught to teenagers at school together with traditional subjects like maths and science. Do you agree? Nowadays,...
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Тимофей Милорадович
2 янв. 2022 г.5 мин. чтения
IELTS essay on The fast food
Topic: In some countries, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. It...
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Тимофей Милорадович
2 янв. 2022 г.4 мин. чтения
IELTS essay on Reality TV shows
Reality TV shows are good entertainment, for and against essay B1 Reality shows are a very popular form of entertainment on TV nowadays....
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Тимофей Милорадович
2 янв. 2022 г.4 мин. чтения
IELTS essay on Migration
Migration is a much more serious and systemic issue than most people think. Do you agree with the statement? Migration is the movement of...
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Тимофей Милорадович
2 янв. 2022 г.4 мин. чтения
IELTS essay on The way to learn foreign languages
What is the most effective way to learn foreign languages? Is there one way, or are there many? The most effective way to learn foreign...
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Тимофей Милорадович
2 янв. 2022 г.5 мин. чтения
IELTS essay on Making a positive first impression
How do people make the desired first impression? How can people keep it on? To make the desired first impression, it is essential to...
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Тимофей Милорадович
2 янв. 2022 г.3 мин. чтения
IELTS essay on My future profession
I think I would like to be a designer. Designers today work in a wide variety of fields. They develop the style of the product, the...
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Тимофей Милорадович
2 янв. 2022 г.3 мин. чтения
IELTS essay on The pandemic has changed society and the market
The pandemic has changed society and the market, and these changes may be irreversible. Is it good or bad? Give your opinion. The...
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Тимофей Милорадович
1 янв. 2022 г.5 мин. чтения
IELTS essay on Hobby
Hobbies can be useful and meaningful, but they can be pretty weird. Give your opinion and describe your hobby. My hobby is learning...
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Тимофей Милорадович
1 янв. 2022 г.3 мин. чтения
IELTS Positive or negative development essay on Success
Nowadays, some parents pressure their children to be successful. What is the reason for this? Is it a positive or negative development?...
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Тимофей Милорадович
1 янв. 2022 г.4 мин. чтения
IELTS essay on Music is a way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together,
Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together. To what extent do you agree or...
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Тимофей Милорадович
28 дек. 2021 г.31 мин. чтения
Спецкурс IELTS Speaking, task 2 и 3
Этот спецкурс логически продолжает наш спецкурс IELTS Speaking task 1. Напомним, что IELTS (International English Language Testing...
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Тимофей Милорадович
25 дек. 2021 г.3 мин. чтения
Мини-курс FCE Writing
Курс включает 3 видео с примерами и разбором всех жанров раздела Writing FCE разной тематики. После прохождения курса Вы получаете...
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Тимофей Милорадович
24 дек. 2021 г.2 мин. чтения
Мини-курс PET Writing
PET - это Preliminary English Test уровня B1, международный экзамен по английскому языку для школьников, сертификаты которого принимаются...
12 просмотров0 комментариев
Тимофей Милорадович
24 дек. 2021 г.0 мин. чтения
25 просмотров0 комментариев
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