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Фото автораТимофей Милорадович

Autostrada driving in Poland

Обновлено: 31 мая 2022 г.

Образец австралийской речи, сложной для восприятия даже для google, не только для нас. Распечатка выполнена автоматически. Некий образец, когда нужно понять, несмотря ни на что, потому что можно встретить такое в жизни рядом с собой. Чтобы понять, нужно уже иметь устоявшееся понимание логической структуры английского языка (где должен стоять глагол to be, где начинаются симплы, выделять пары подлежащее+сказуемое четко) и знать, где и про что он может сказать, чтобы "достроить" правильно. Ребус.

here we are in Poland heading towards

Krakoff on one of the publisher ghost riders the speed limit on Polish motorways is 140


kilometers an hour and up as you can see

up here roads not too dissimilar burst

radius motorways and so forth and up and


he made the differences that is that as

the continuous set of guardrail

common my two I spades and spades rant


here around 140 160 hundred seventy

points a half to watch for traffic that moves out and


overtakes other slower traffic and

remember all your trucks here and in the

European Union not just Paul Woodman


throughout the European Union and

European Economic Area countries and a

delimited 90 kilometers an hour what's

the loss there is a biggest speed


differential between trucks and

Australian limited to 100 case and that

Australia's stupid motorway speed limits


everything carry exists perfectly

everything to see traffic ahead

overtaking other slower vehicles slower


trucks and even so everything moves

quite well maybe always watching rather

slower trucks a overtaking other slower


vehicles and so forth

this is what we call the whistle what

Germans would like to call the elephant


rice elephant in linen linen

seems wait till he completes them and

over so forth no histrionics no white


knuckles or anything like that

and see same thing again like Australian

drivers seem to have a real attitude


problem in regards to his keeping out of

the outside lane of motorways once

they've completed an overtaking


manoeuvre see there's no do good as a no

cereal do good as a mentally-challenged

speed kills radicals at the outside lane


of the motorway none whatsoever

because paying attention to hazards


see safely again from hideaway cruising

speeds around 140 160 kilometers an hour


which is quite common here

see as we look up Edna's boat there's no

serial do goodness and the outside land


of the bad way not whatsoever we

completed our overtaking maneuver we

move back out at the outside lane it's


pretty easy to do there's no history

onyx or rocket science or anything like

that involved him


we're gonna tighten size by 2y spades

without any issues that in grant 167 170

at the bottom and this is just this is


around about a month on being

they applaud

granddad six-foot one leaves 100 kg

Houston someone gotta off of the

high for what I strata


say cycling again I tell you

57 also pays out of trouble but the


see this is the key to safe efficient by

the way driving just being observant and


observing your own rants and so forth

preserving Sala cars

and take me broad unless overtaking


no the point we have we might have an

Australian driver in the outside lane


some kind of speed killed serial do good

up and that out understand what there's


a there's it's very rare to see this

here in Europe or Poland even it's very

rare to see any do-gooders in the


outside lane must be someone from

Queensland for something that believes

that if you break the speed limit by


three kilometers an hour or more you're

a serial killer

very rare to see this but my cooking

cake we can count the number of


occurrences that occurs in Europe on one


that's our infrequent it is C same thing


again I've overtaken a truck I moved

back out to the outside lane very easy

isn't it trucks cars approaching off the


on-ramp approaching the motorway make

allowances for them it's quite easy to


do really isn't it but see same thing

again this no generally speaking no

do-gooders and the outside lane of the


motorway I mean how many times do I need

to say it I mean Australia's got a

serious problem in regards to enforcing


the keep left unless like for taking

wrong it's easy to see there's no money


in it in comparison to enforcing

stupidly most speed limits on motorways

and that we can see that there's


absolutely no regard for increasing

driver training filthy lies like art


makes people makes drivers overconfident

as such see as I explained before you

always got to be aware of other cars

which may be slow fast slower than you

are overtaking slower vehicles be aware


of how your vehicle slows down and stops

from these sorts of speeds and see same

thing again I mean um how hard is it how


hard is that so move out of the outside

lane when we're not overtaking what's


what seems to be the major problem here

in regards to doing so

anime not on earth isn't as serious a

serious self-righteous attitude problem

and Australia with regards to motorway

driving why isn't the problem being


fixed why the are we not fixing it

instead we've got all these do good as

the speed kills serial Durban is about

another mentally brain-dead we then

won't get the out at the outside

lane when we're not overtaking why isn't

it being fixed over to you relative

state government and transfers

Transport departments if you already keep


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