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Porodica na prvom mestu / Sa prevodom na engleski

Writer's picture: Тимофей МилорадовичТимофей Милорадович

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

- Ljubavi

- Love

- U redu? Kako je prošao sastanak?

- Well? How did the meeting go?

- Pa, vrlo dobro. Pa, da…

- Well, very well. Well.. yes…

- Nisi bio tamo dva meseca. Upravo su me zvali

- You haven't been there for two months. They just called me

- Ne trebaju mi ​​ovi sastanci. Učine da se osećam glupo.... I onda mi ne pomažu.. uopšte mi ne pomažu. I moraš prestati pokušavati da me kontrolišeš.

- I don't need those meetings. They make me feel stupid ... And then they don't help me .. they don't help me at all. And you have to stop trying to control me.

- Rekla sam ti pre šest meseci... prestani. Inače ćeš izgubiti sina i mene. I šta radiš? Sakriješ se, da piješ! Videla sam sve prazne flaše u garaži!

- I told you six months ago ... to stop. Otherwise, you would have lost your son and me. And what are you doing? You hide to drink! I've seen all the empty bottles in the garage!

- Dobar posao. Bravo, hoćeš li me sada špijunirati?

- Good. Well done, are you going to spy on me now?

- Ne ostavljaš mi izbora. Ili mi ili alkohol... Odluči se!

- You leave me no choice. Either us, or the alcohol .. Decide!

- Pa, biram piće. Jer me barem ne kontroliše, ne špijunira me

- Well, I choose the drink. Because at least it doesn't control me, it doesn't spy on me,

- Nisam sumnjala... Onda izlazi iz ove kuće. Moram da pozovem sudiju

- I had no doubts ... Then get out of this house. I need to call the judge

- Onda idem u kafanu, gde imam prijatelje.

- Then I go to the bar, there I have friends


- Hej druže... Sviđa ti se, zar ne? Pijmo zajedno za bolji ukus

- Hey man ... You're enjoying it, huh? Come on, let's drink together that there is more taste

- Evo, prijatelju. Popij piće koje će te zagrejati

- Here, friend, have a drink that will warm you up

- Dobro. Šta te je dovelo u ove krajeve? Mora da imaš mnogo toga na umu, zar ne?

- So? What is it that brings you to these parts? You must have a lot of thoughts, huh?

- Danas je sudija odlučio... Rekao je da više ne mogu da viđam suprugu, sina. Ali to nije moja greška, nego... njegova je greška. Kada me žena izbacila iz kuće, bio sam srećan jer sam mogao piti... bez krivice, bez nadzora! Tada sam, s druge strane, imao nesreću zbog alkohola. I slupao sam auto. Izgubio sam posao i važne stvari. Ali ja sam slobodan...

- Today, the judge has decided ... He said that I can no longer see my wife, my son. But it's not my fault, eh ... It's its fault. When my wife kicked me out of the house, I was happy, because I could drink… without feeling guilty, without being spied on! Then, on the other hand, I had an accident due to alcohol. And I broke the car. I lost my job and lost important things. But I'm free ...

- Prijatelju, kažeš da si slobodan. Ali čini mi se da si napravio sebi novu ženu... Eh, rekao si mi da te žena kontroliše, ali... Čini mi se da tobom sada nešto drugo kontroliše... Uglavnom, to je kao da si sebi napravio drugu ženu!

- My friend, you say you are free. But it seems to me that a new wife has been made for you ... Eh, you told me that your wife used to control you but ... It seems that now you have something else controlling you ... Basically, it is as if you had made another wife!

- Ah ah ah ah... U pravu si.

- Ahahahah... You're right.

- Lično, radije bih imao ženu koja me kontroliše, čak i ako me stresira, nego ženu koja mi uzrokuje nezgode ili gubi posao.

- Personally, I would rather have a wife who controls me even if she stresses me, rather than a wife who makes me have accidents or lose my job.

- Stani, uzmi to od mene.

- Tie, take it away (from me)

- Neće raditi... Ako ga sada uklonim, sutra, čim vidiš drugu bocu, ćeš skočiti na nju. Moraš pronaći snagu u sebi da ga baciš. I možeš ga pronaći samo u sebi. Ti lično

- No, it won't work ... If I'm the one taking it off now. Tomorrow as soon as you see another bottle you will throw yourself on it. You have to find the strength on your own to throw this away. And you can find it only within you. Alone

- Lako je reći, teško uraditi

- Easy to say, hard to do

- Čovječe, rekao si mi ranije da ti nedostaje tvoja porodica. Porodica na prvom mestu. Čovječe, moram ići, ali se stvarno nadam da ćeš naći snage da djeluješ.

- Dude, you told me earlier you miss your family. The family comes first. Man, I have to go now, But I really hope you will find the strength to react within you


- Jeste li razgovarali sa sudijom?

- Have you talked to the judge?

- Da, upravo sam završila

- Yes. I just finished

- Slušaj, šta god da ti kaže, daj mi još jednu šansu.

- Look, whatever he told you, give me another chance

- A zašto bih?

- And why should I?

- Pošto godinu dana nisam pipnuo ni kap, svake nedelje idem na sastanke. Našao sam snagu u sebi, promenio sam se.

- Because I haven't touched a drop for a year, I go to meetings every week. I have found the strength, I have changed.

- Svu ovu moć, odakle ti? I ko će me onda uvjeriti da se, čim se vratiš normalnom životu, nećeš vratiti ovome?

- All this strength, where did you get it from? And then who assures me that once you get back to normal you won't fall back on it?

- Zato što sam se promenio! Prošle godine je izbor došao spolja. Sada je sve drugačije. Prije godinu dana upoznao sam čovjeka koji je imao veliki utjecaj na moj život. I dao mi je da shvatim da ako želim da se promenim, treba da tražim snagu u sebi. I našao sam ga. Volim svoju porodicu, nedostaješ mi

- Because I have changed! The other years, was a choice that came from outside. It's different now. I met a man a year ago who made a huge impact on my life. And he made me understand that if I wanted to change, I had to look for the strength within me. And I found it. I love my family, I miss you

- I mi te volimo, i nikada nismo prestali da te volimo, a takođe smo se do poslednjeg nadali da se možeš... pomoći.

- We love you too, and we never stopped loving you, and we also hoped until the last that you could ... help yourself

- Jesam, kunem se

- And I did, I swear

- Možemo pokušati ponovo, ali ovo će biti posljednji put.

- We can try again, but it will be the last time

- Hvala ti

- Thank you

- Da

- Yes

- Ali šta je rekao sudija?

- However, what did the judge say?

- Imao je tvoje testove, bio je veoma srećan, kao i potvrda tvojih susreta sa Anonimnim alkoholičarima. Ukratko, on je za to, tako da možeš ići kući…

- He had your analyses, he was very happy, and also the confirmations of your appointments with alcoholics anonymous. In short, he is in favor, so you can go home ...

- Zbogom sudijo.

- Goodbye, Judge

- Zbogom

- Goodbye

- Ali to je on!

- But it's him!

- Šta?

- What?

- To je on... čovjek kojeg sam upoznao pre godinu dana, to je on

- It's him .. the man I met a year ago is him

- Kažeš mi da si se prošle godine sreo sa sudijom.

- You're telling me that… you met the judge last year

- Ne, bio je... beskućnik.

- No, he was a ... homeless..

- Đuzepe, o čemu pričaš? Jesi li bio pijan ili si razgovarao sam sa sobom?

- Giuseppe, what are you saying? But were you drunk, or were you talking to yourself?

- Ali ne sećam se

- But I don't remember

- Sjećaš li ga se.. ovaj.. reci mi malo.. Šta ti je tačno rekao?

- You remember him .. eh .. tell me a bit .. What exactly would he have told you?

- Porodica je na prvom mestu.

- Family comes first

- Nadamo se da ste uživali u priči. Dijeljenjem videa pomoći ćete i da promijenite nečiji život

- We hope you enjoyed the story. By sharing the video, you will also help to change someone's life


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