Mathew Griffin
Brown University
While healing people will be my main priority as a doctor, I don’t want to only help individuals overcome disease after disease. For true change, I must work on a much larger scale. I plan on being involved in research, and drawing ideas and information from my patients and sharing it with researchers to find answers about the ailments that plague the human mind. By being a voice from the front lines, I hope that I can catalyze the development of treatments and cures. Additionally, I want to become an advocate for public health. If a government is doing something that is detrimental to the health of its citizens, someone needs to point it out, and fight for a better alternative. Unless I do this, then the people I help will continue to get sick regardless of how much I help.
Still, my main task as a doctor is to help patients, and I want to help as many of them as I can. Seeing the reality of the health of the world is very important to me if I am going to properly improve it. I have been so fortunate to live in a place where medicine is so refined, and I am even more blessed to know that I have the chance to help spread this refinement. While issues such as world hunger are constantly being improved, doctors in other countries are scarce and locals are still being trained in ancient ways and often hurting their patents more than helping. I want to give back my blessings a hundred-fold and spread better medicine. First, I want to see the health of our world as I help it by joining Medicines Sans Frontiers as soon as I can. Only after I help things first-hand can I make a mature decision on how I should try to help the world as a whole. I feel the experiences that I get from my education and the experiences helping people across the world will give me a very strong ability to know how to help to the best of my abilities. Today, I am already planning for this journey by teaching myself foreign languages. I hope that by the time I am ready to help people, knowing many languages will help me bond with my patients and truly make me a doctor without borders. I plan on fighting for health for as long as I can, and I want to help every person I can regardless of background, money or stigma.
Healing Beyond Borders
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Mathew Griffin
Матхев Гриффин
Brown University
Бровн универзитет
While healing people will be my main priority as a doctor, I don’t want to only help individuals overcome disease after disease.
Док ће лечење људи бити мој главни приоритет као лекара, не желим само да помажем појединцима да превазиђу болест за болешћу.
For true change, I must work on a much larger scale.
За истинску промену, морам да радим у много већем обиму.
I plan on being involved in research, and drawing ideas and information from my patients and sharing it with researchers to find answers about the ailments that plague the human mind.
Планирам да будем укључен у истраживање, да црпим идеје и информације од својих пацијената и да их поделим са истраживачима како бих пронашао одговоре о болестима које муче људски ум.
By being a voice from the front lines, I hope that I can catalyze the development of treatments and cures.
Будући да сам глас са првих линија, надам се да могу да катализирам развој третмана и излечења.
Additionally, I want to become an advocate for public health.
Поред тога, желим да постанем заговорник јавног здравља.
If a government is doing something that is detrimental to the health of its citizens, someone needs to point it out, and fight for a better alternative.
Ако нека власт ради нешто што је штетно по здравље њених грађана, неко треба да укаже на то, и избори се за бољу алтернативу.
Unless I do this, then the people I help will continue to get sick regardless of how much I help.
Осим ако ово не урадим, људи којима помажем ће наставити да се разбољевају без обзира на то колико ја помажем.
Still, my main task as a doctor is to help patients, and I want to help as many of them as I can.
Ипак, мој главни задатак као лекара је да помажем пацијентима и желим да помогнем што већем броју њих.
Seeing the reality of the health of the world is very important to me if I am going to properly improve it.
Сагледавање реалности здравља света веома ми је важно ако желим да га на прави начин унапредим.
I have been so fortunate to live in a place where medicine is so refined, and I am even more blessed to know that I have the chance to help spread this refinement.
Имао сам ту срећу да живим на месту где је медицина тако префињена, и још сам благословљена што знам да имам прилику да помогнем у ширењу ове префињености.
While issues such as world hunger are constantly being improved, doctors in other countries are scarce and locals are still being trained in ancient ways and often hurting their patients more than helping.
Док се питања попут глади у свету стално побољшавају, доктори у другим земљама су ретки, а локално становништво се још увек обучава на древне начине и често више повређује своје пацијенте него што им помаже.
I want to give back my blessings a hundred-fold and spread better medicine.
Желим стоструко да вратим своје благослове и ширим бољи лек
First, I want to see the health of our world as I help it by joining Medicines Sans Frontiers as soon as I can.
Прво, желим да видим здравље нашег света док му помажем тако што ћу се придружити Медицинес Санс Фронтиерс што је пре могуће.
Only after I help things first-hand can I make a mature decision on how I should try to help the world as a whole.
Тек када помогнем стварима из прве руке, могу донети зрелу одлуку о томе како да покушам да помогнем свету у целини.
I feel the experiences that I get from my education and the experiences helping people across the world will give me a very strong ability to know how to help to the best of my abilities.
Осећам да ће ми искуства која добијам током свог образовања и искуства помагања људима широм света дати веома снажну способност да знам како да помогнем најбоље што могу.
Today, I am already planning for this journey by teaching myself foreign languages.
Данас већ планирам ово путовање тако што ћу сама себи научити стране језике.
I hope that by the time I am ready to help people, knowing many languages will help me bond with my patients and truly make me a doctor without borders.
Надам се да ће ми, док будем спреман да помажем људима, познавање многих језика помоћи да се повежем са својим пацијентима и да ме заиста учини доктором без граница.
I plan on fighting for health for as long as I can, and I want to help every person I can regardless of background, money or stigma.
Планирам да се борим за здравље колико год могу и желим да помогнем свакој особи којој могу, без обзира на порекло, новац или стигму.