Evo jedne priče o tome kako sam pomogla svojoj porodici da izabere i kupi pravi usisivač, koristeći svoje znanje srpskog jezika.
(Here’s a story about how I helped my family choose and buy the right vacuum cleaner by using my knowledge of Serbian.)
Moja porodica je došla u Beograd da kupi novi usisivač, ali niko osim mene nije govorio srpski.
(My family came to Belgrade to buy a new vacuum cleaner, but no one except me spoke Serbian.)
Kada smo ušli u prodavnicu elektronike, shvatila sam da će bez mene biti teško objasniti šta im tačno treba.
(When we entered the electronics store, I realized it would be difficult to explain exactly what they needed without me.)
Moja baka je želela lak i mali usisivač, a tata je hteo nešto snažno i izdržljivo.
(My grandmother wanted a light and small vacuum cleaner, while my father wanted something powerful and durable.)
Prišla sam prodavcu i objasnila mu naše potrebe na srpskom.
(I approached the salesman and explained our needs in Serbian.)
Objasnila sam mu da tražimo usisivač koji će zadovoljiti sve članove porodice.
(I told him that we were looking for a vacuum cleaner that would satisfy all family members.)
Prodavac je bio veoma ljubazan i predložio je nekoliko modela.
(The salesman was very kind and suggested several models.)
Pokazao nam je laki usisivač za baku i snažniji model koji je odgovarao mom tati.
(He showed us a light vacuum for my grandmother and a stronger model that suited my father.)
Porodica je bila zadovoljna, ali onda se postavilo pitanje dostave.
(The family was satisfied, but then the question of delivery came up.)
Objasnila sam prodavcu da nam je potrebna dostava do kuće jer nemamo svoj automobil.
(I explained to the salesman that we needed delivery to the house because we didn’t have a car.)
Prodavac je ljubazno pristao i dogovorili smo vreme kada će usisivač stići.
(The salesman kindly agreed, and we arranged a time for the vacuum cleaner to arrive.)
Porodica mi je bila zahvalna što sam im pomogla i iskoristila svoje znanje jezika.
(The family was grateful that I helped them and used my language skills.)
U Beogradu je uvek dobro znati srpski!
(In Belgrade, it’s always good to know Serbian!)
Kupac: Dobar dan, da li možete da nam pomognete oko izbora usisivača?
(Customer: Good afternoon, can you help us with choosing a vacuum cleaner?)
Prodavac: Naravno, kakav usisivač tražite?
(Salesman: Of course, what kind of vacuum cleaner are you looking for?)
Kupac: Pa, moja baka bi volela neki lakši model, a moj tata želi da bude snažan i izdržljiv.
(Customer: Well, my grandmother would like a lighter model, and my father wants it to be strong and durable.)
Prodavac: Razumem. Imam nekoliko modela koji bi mogli odgovarati vašim potrebama. Hoćete li da ih pogledamo?
(Salesman: I understand. I have a few models that might suit your needs. Would you like to take a look at them?)
Kupac: Da, hvala. Možete li nam prvo pokazati neki lakši model za baku?
(Customer: Yes, thank you. Could you show us a lighter model for my grandmother first?)
Prodavac: Naravno. Ovaj model je lagan i jednostavan za korišćenje, idealan za starije osobe.
(Salesman: Certainly. This model is light and easy to use, ideal for older people.)
Kupac: Izgleda dobro. A šta biste preporučili za snažniji usisivač?(Customer: It looks good. And what would you recommend for a stronger vacuum cleaner?)
Prodavac: Preporučio bih ovaj model. Ima snažan motor i izdržljiv je, odličan za veće površine.
(Salesman: I would recommend this model. It has a powerful motor and is durable, great for larger areas.)
Kupac: Sjajno, mislim da smo našli ono što nam treba. Još jedno pitanje – da li nudite dostavu?
(Customer: Great, I think we’ve found what we need. One more question – do you offer delivery?)
Prodavac: Da, naravno. Dostava je moguća i možemo je organizovati za vas.
(Salesman: Yes, of course. Delivery is available, and we can arrange it for you.)
Kupac: Odlično, nemamo auto, pa bi nam to puno značilo.(Customer: Excellent, we don’t have a car, so that would mean a lot to us.)
Prodavac: Nema problema. Dogovorićemo vreme dostave koje vam odgovara.
(Salesman: No problem. We’ll arrange a delivery time that suits you.)
Kupac: Hvala vam puno na pomoći!(Customer: Thank you very much for your help!)
Prodavac: Nema na čemu, drago mi je da mogu da pomognem.(Salesman: You’re welcome, I’m glad I could help.)