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Music as my second language, essay with phrase by phrase translation

Writer's picture: Тимофей МилорадовичТимофей Милорадович

Updated: Jun 10, 2022

Music has shaped my personal and intellectual life in many ways. Music is a common language that connects me to others who share my enthusiasm for creating it. Furthermore, I learn about my own preferences and personality through the pieces that intrigue me. As I expose myself to a wider array of styles and eras, my musical tastes grow more complex. Through music, I welcome opportunities to expand my friendships as well as my instrumental horizons.

I began studying piano at age six. For the next five years, my mother lived vicariously through my musical education, which her family had not been able to afford. In fifth grade, as I was becoming an earnest piano student, I was selected to commence violin lessons and play in my elementary school orchestra. From that day on, I saw life from a violinist’s point of view.

Although I am a seasoned pianist, an ambitious solo violinist, and a fledgling cellist, I am, above all, a passionate chamber musician. My experience in a chamber quartet has had a strong impact on my character. When I was the second violinist, I simply enjoyed making music with my friends. Only after I became the first violinist did I feel the responsibility of leadership settling uncomfortably on my shoulders. However, the burden soon became a part of me and transformed into enthusiasm. Now, as the quartet leader, I use the small group setting to channel each of our individual creative instincts. Each member of the quartet shares her musical interests, bringing favorite repertoire to the table, so that we each participate in the learning and playing experience. The quartet is also an outlet for my musical fancy. Ever since I discovered the Finale music writing software, I have delighted in arranging works for our quartet to play and perform. This year, my goal is to arrange and perform the Ferrante and Teicher version of the love theme from The Godfather for a piano duet and orchestra.

As my aspirations grow, I aim to arrange music for a greater variety of instruments and to explore jazz, pop, and other styles of music on the piano. I desire to join others with similar talent and passion at Duke. However, before I leave my high school, I hope my appreciation for music will leave a mark on my community.

Како то звучи на енглеском:

Музика као мој други језик, есеј са преводом фраза по фраза

Jean Gan

Јеан Ган

Music has shaped my personal and intellectual life in many ways.

Музика је на много начина обликовала мој лични и интелектуални живот.

Music is a common language that connects me to others who share my enthusiasm for creating it.


Furthermore, I learn about my own preferences and personality through the pieces that intrigue me.

Штавише, учим о сопственим преференцијама и личности кроз комаде који ме интригирају.

As I expose myself to a wider array of styles and eras, my musical tastes grow more complex.

Како се излажем широј лепези стилова и епоха, моји музички укуси постају сложенији.

Through music, I welcome opportunities to expand my friendships as well as my instrumental horizons.

Кроз музику поздрављам прилике да проширим своја пријатељства, као и своје инструменталне хоризонте.

I began studying piano at age six. For the next five years, my mother lived vicariously through my musical education, which her family had not been able to afford.

Почео сам да учим клавир са шест година. У наредних пет година, моја мајка је живела посредно кроз моје музичко образовање, које њена породица није могла да приушти.

In fifth grade, as I was becoming an earnest piano student, I was selected to commence violin lessons and play in my elementary school orchestra.

У петом разреду, док сам постајао озбиљан ученик клавира, изабран сам да почнем часове виолине и свирам у свом основношколском оркестру.

From that day on, I saw life from a violinist’s point of view.

Од тог дана гледао сам на живот са виолинистичке тачке гледишта.

Although I am a seasoned pianist, an ambitious solo violinist, and a fledgling cellist, I am, above all, a passionate chamber musician.

Иако сам искусан пијаниста, амбициозни соло виолиниста и тек виолончелиста, пре свега сам страствени камерни музичар.

My experience in a chamber quartet has had a strong impact on my character.

Моје искуство у камерном квартету имало је снажан утицај на мој карактер.

When I was the second violinist, I simply enjoyed making music with my friends.

Када сам био други виолиниста, једноставно сам уживао у музицирању са пријатељима.

Only after I became the first violinist did I feel the responsibility of leadership settling uncomfortably on my shoulders.

Тек након што сам постао први виолиниста, осетио сам одговорност вођства која ми је непријатно лежала на раменима.

However, the burden soon became a part of me and transformed into enthusiasm.

Међутим, терет је убрзо постао део мене и трансформисао се у ентузијазам.

Now, as the quartet leader, I use the small group setting to channel each of our individual creative instincts.

Сада, као вођа квартета, користим поставку мале групе да каналишем сваки наш индивидуални креативни инстинкт.

Each member of the quartet shares her musical interests, bringing favorite repertoire to the table, so that we each participate in the learning and playing experience.

Свака чланица квартета дели своја музичка интересовања, доносећи омиљени репертоар на сто, тако да свако учествује у учењу и свирању.

The quartet is also an outlet for my musical fancy.

Квартет је такође одушка за моју музичку машту.

Ever since I discovered the Finale music writing software, I have delighted in arranging works for our quartet to play and perform.

Од када сам открио софтвер за писање музике Финале, уживао сам у аранжирању дела за наш квартет да свира и изводи.

This year, my goal is to arrange and perform the Ferrante and Teicher version of the love theme from The Godfather for a piano duet and orchestra.

Ове године, мој циљ је да аранжирам и изведем Феранте и Теицхер верзију љубавне теме из Кума за клавирски дует и оркестар.

As my aspirations grow, I aim to arrange music for a greater variety of instruments and to explore jazz, pop, and other styles of music on the piano.

Како моје аспирације расту, циљ ми је да аранжирам музику за већи избор инструмената и да истражујем џез, поп и друге стилове музике на клавиру.

I desire to join others with similar talent and passion at Duke.

Желим да се придружим другима са сличним талентом и страшћу у Дукеу.

However, before I leave my high school, I hope my appreciation for music will leave a mark on my community.

Међутим, пре него што напустим средњу школу, надам се да ће моје поштовање према музици оставити трага у мојој заједници.


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