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Priča rusa u Crnoj Gori o novembarskoj vremenskoj prognozi i savetima za grejanje

Updated: Nov 28

Story of a Russian in Montenegro about the November weather forecast and heating tips)

Novembar u Crnoj Gori, posebno u primorskim oblastima, donosi pravu paletu vremenskih prilika.

(November in Montenegro, especially in coastal areas, brings a true palette of weather conditions.)

Za mene, kao za čoveka koji je navikao na ruske zime, ovaj mesec je uvek interesantan – i pomalo izazovan.

(For me, as someone used to Russian winters, this month is always interesting – and a bit challenging.)

Kako se vreme menja u novembru?

(How does the weather change in November?)

Početak novembra ume da bude varljivo miran.

(The beginning of November can be deceptively calm.)

Temperature se još uvek kreću oko 15-20 stepeni tokom dana, ali vetar sa Jadrana već počinje da nagoveštava dolazak zime.

(Temperatures are still around 15-20 degrees during the day, but the Adriatic wind already starts hinting at the arrival of winter.)

Od sredine meseca sve postaje drastičnije: stižu jaki vetrovi poput bure i juga, koji ne samo što donose hladnoću, već i prave male probleme – kidaju grane, prebacuju stvari sa balkona i izazivaju snažne talase na moru.

(From mid-month, everything becomes more intense: strong winds like the bora and jugo arrive, bringing not just cold but also minor issues – breaking branches, moving items from balconies, and causing powerful waves at sea.)

Oluje i kiše

(Storms and rains)

Novembarske kiše nisu samo kratkotrajni pljuskovi.

(November rains are not just brief showers.)

Često se dešava da padaju danima bez prestanka.

(It often happens that it rains continuously for days.)

Nebo je sivo, i čini se da more i kiša postaju jedno.

(The sky is gray, and it feels like the sea and rain merge into one.)

Oluje su posebno impresivne.

(The storms are particularly impressive.)

Tokom jednog takvog novembarskog dana sam prvi put shvatio snagu prirode u Crnoj Gori – vetar je bio toliko jak da je izgledalo kao da će prozori popustiti pod pritiskom.

(During one such November day, I first realized the power of nature in Montenegro – the wind was so strong it seemed like the windows might give in under the pressure.)

Preporuke za grejanje u primorskim oblastima

(Recommendations for heating in coastal areas)

Iako temperature retko padaju ispod nule, osećaj hladnoće je posebno izražen zbog visoke vlažnosti.

(Although temperatures rarely drop below zero, the feeling of cold is particularly pronounced due to high humidity.)

Zbog toga je grejanje neophodno, čak i u primorskim gradovima kao što su Bar, Budva ili Kotor.

(Therefore, heating is necessary, even in coastal cities like Bar, Budva, or Kotor.)

Najpopularniji i najjeftiniji načini grejanja

(The most popular and cheapest heating methods)

  1. Klima uređaji

    (Air conditioners)

    Klima je najčešći izbor.

    (Air conditioners are the most common choice.)

    Mnogi stanovi već imaju ugrađene klima-uređaje, koji su efikasni za brzo zagrevanje prostorija.

    (Many apartments already have built-in air conditioners, which are effective for quickly heating rooms.)

  2. Električni radijatori

    (Electric radiators)

    Ako nemate klimu, električni radijatori su dobro rešenje.

    (If you don’t have an air conditioner, electric radiators are a good solution.)

    Prenosivi su, lako se koriste i mogu se naći u lokalnim prodavnicama po pristupačnim cenama (od 20 do 50 evra).

    (They are portable, easy to use, and available in local stores at affordable prices (from 20 to 50 euros).)

  3. Peći na pelet ili drva

    (Pellet or wood stoves)

    Ukoliko živite u kući, peć na pelet je odličan izbor – ekonomična je i daje prirodnu toplotu.

    (If you live in a house, a pellet stove is an excellent choice – it’s economical and provides natural warmth.)

Šta treba izbegavati?

(What should be avoided?)

  • Grejalice sa visokim utroškom struje – mogu znatno povećati račun za električnu energiju.

    (High-energy-consuming heaters – they can significantly increase your electricity bill.)

  • Neprovetrane prostorije – zbog visoke vlažnosti, neophodno je povremeno provetravanje čak i u najhladnijim danima.

    (Unventilated rooms – due to high humidity, it is essential to ventilate occasionally even on the coldest days.)

Moj savet za novembarske dane

(My advice for November days)

Ne dozvolite da vas vremenske prilike iznenade.

(Don’t let the weather catch you off guard.)

Obezbedite toplu odeću i obuću, a ako planirate duže šetnje pored mora, obavezno ponesite vetrovku i kišobran.

(Ensure warm clothes and footwear, and if you plan longer walks by the sea, make sure to bring a windbreaker and an umbrella.)

I najvažnije, uživajte u jedinstvenoj lepoti crnogorskog primorja u novembru – priroda je tu uvek da nas podseti koliko je život lep.

(And most importantly, enjoy the unique beauty of the Montenegrin coast in November – nature is always there to remind us of how beautiful life is.)

Dijalog sa prijateljicom o vremenu u novembru i grejanju u Crnoj Gori(

A dialogue with a friend about the weather in November and heating in Montenegro)

Ana: Kako ti se čini novembar ovde u Crnoj Gori? Navikavaš li se na ovu promenu vremena?

(What do you think about November here in Montenegro? Are you getting used to the weather changes?)

Mila: Pa, iskreno, dosta je drugačije nego što sam očekivala. Vetrovi su toliko jaki, naročito bura, da mi nekad zvuči kao da će sve odleteti s terase!

(Well, honestly, it's quite different from what I expected. The winds are so strong, especially the bora, that it sometimes sounds like everything will fly off the terrace!)

Ana: Da, bura zna da bude baš strašna, ali je sve to deo šarma primorja. Jesi li već doživela neku pravu oluju?

(Yes, the bora can be really scary, but it’s all part of the coastal charm. Have you experienced a real storm yet?)

Mila: Da, pre neki dan! Kiša je padala ceo dan, a vetar je bio toliko jak da sam se bojala da će prozori popustiti. Nikada nisam videla tako nešto u Rusiji.

(Yes, just the other day! It rained all day, and the wind was so strong I was afraid the windows might break. I’ve never seen anything like it in Russia.)

Ana: Ovde je to normalno u novembru. Vlažnost dodatno pojačava osećaj hladnoće, čak i kad temperature nisu toliko niske. Kako se greješ?

(That’s normal here in November. The humidity makes the cold feel worse, even when the temperatures aren’t that low. How are you heating your place?)

Mila: Imam klimu, ali nisam sigurna koliko je to efikasno. Čini mi se da troši dosta struje. Koji je najjeftiniji način grejanja ovde?

(I have an air conditioner, but I’m not sure how efficient it is. It seems to use a lot of electricity. What’s the cheapest way to heat here?)

Ana: Klima je dobra za brzo grejanje, ali za ekonomičniju opciju preporučujem električne radijatore. Oni su prenosivi i lako ih koristiš samo u sobama gde si najčešće.

(Air conditioners are good for quick heating, but for a more economical option, I recommend electric radiators. They’re portable, and you can use them only in the rooms you’re in most often.)

Mila: Zvuči praktično. A šta misliš o pećima na pelet? Videla sam da ih neki ljudi koriste.

(That sounds practical. And what do you think about pellet stoves? I’ve seen some people using them.)

Ana: Odlične su ako živiš u kući. Daju prirodnu toplotu i dugoročno su jeftinije, ali zahtevaju malo više posla – skladištenje peleta i održavanje.

(They’re great if you live in a house. They provide natural warmth and are cheaper in the long run, but they require a bit more work – storing pellets and maintenance.)

Mila: Hvala na savetima! Moram da razmislim šta mi je najbolje. A šta ti radiš kad vreme postane ovako loše?

(Thanks for the tips! I’ll have to think about what’s best for me. And what do you do when the weather gets so bad?)

Ana: Obično pravim čaj, uvijem se u ćebe i uživam gledajući talase kroz prozor. Ponekad je najbolje samo uživati u trenutku.

(I usually make tea, wrap myself in a blanket, and enjoy watching the waves through the window. Sometimes, it’s best to just enjoy the moment.)

Mila: Slažem se, priroda je ovde zaista prelepa, čak i u ovakvim vremenskim uslovima.

(I agree, the nature here is truly beautiful, even in such weather conditions.)

Ana: Upravo tako. Dobrodošla u crnogorski novembar!

(Exactly. Welcome to Montenegrin November!)


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