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Writer's pictureelenaburan

Razumna skrivenost

Sedeli su za malim, okruglim metalnim stolom pored kafića, u blizini Hrama Vaskrsenja Hrista u Podgorici.

(They were sitting at a small, round metal table next to a café, near the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgorica.)

Sunčevi zraci su se lagano prelamali preko mermernih zidova hrama, dok je vetar tiho podrhtavao ukrasne cvećnjake.

(Sunbeams gently refracted off the marble walls of the cathedral, while the wind lightly shook the decorative flowerpots.)

U pozadini se čuo tihi žamor turista i vernika koji su ulazili i izlazili iz porte.

(In the background, there was a quiet murmur of tourists and worshippers entering and leaving the courtyard.)

Dejan i Elena, oboje u pedesetim, već su dugo prijatelji – znaju se iz vremena kada su pravili neke korake u svetu odraslih odluka i odgovornosti.

(Dejan and Elena, both in their fifties, had been friends for a long time—since the days when they ventured into the world of adult decisions and responsibilities.)

Dejan je prešao prstima po ivici svoje porcelanske šoljice kafe, pogledavši kratko ka kupoli hrama:

(Dejan ran his fingers along the edge of his porcelain coffee cup, briefly glancing at the cathedral’s dome:)

"Znaš, Elena, često razmišljam o tome koliko nam razumna skrivenost donosi slobodu.

(“You know, Elena, I often think about how much reasonable secrecy brings us freedom.)

Život me je naučio da ne otkrivam uvek sve detalje o sebi, o mojim projektima ili planovima.

(Life has taught me not to always reveal every detail about myself, my projects, or my plans.)

Kao biznismen, dugo sam živeo po Americi i Evropi, upoznao ambasadore, ministre, čak i patrijarhe.

(As a businessman, I lived for a long time in America and Europe, meeting ambassadors, ministers, and even patriarchs.)

Svi oni imaju svoje načine skrivanja informacija.

(They all have their own ways of concealing information.)

Nije to puka tajnost, već mudro upravljanje onim što ćeš podeliti i s kim."

(It’s not mere secrecy, but wise management of what you share and with whom.”)

Elena je polako srknula čaj od nane, osmehnuvši se blago:

(Elena slowly sipped her mint tea, smiling gently:)

"Sećam se kada si vodio onaj restoran u Beogradu.

(I remember when you ran that restaurant in Belgrade.)

Tada si bio otvoreniji, govorio si svima o planovima, o novom meniju, o tome kako ćeš preurediti enterijer.

(Back then, you were more open, telling everyone about your plans, the new menu, about how you would redesign the interior.)

Sećam se i kako su neki to pogrešno protumačili, uzeli tvoje ideje i iskoristili ih za sebe.

(I also remember how some people misunderstood this, took your ideas, and used them for themselves.)

Posle tog iskustva, počeo si da budeš oprezniji.

(After that experience, you started to be more cautious.)

Razumna skrivenost te zaštitila, pomogla ti je da zadržiš kontrolu."

(Reasonable secrecy protected you, helping you maintain control.)

"Tačno je," klimnuo je glavom Dejan, podsećajući se tih dana.

(“That’s true,” Dejan nodded, recalling those days.)

"U početku sam mislio da je otvorenost uvek vrednost.

(In the beginning, I thought openness was always a virtue.)

I jeste, do neke mere.

(And it is, to a certain extent.)

Ali kada sam video kako ljudi pogrešno razumeju moje reči, ili ih iskoriste za sopstvenu korist, počeo sam da biram.

(But when I saw how people misunderstood my words or used them for their own gain, I began to choose more carefully.)

Ne znači da sam postao nepoverljiv, već obazriv.

(It doesn’t mean I became distrustful, just more cautious.)

To mi je donelo unutrašnji mir – manje nepotrebnih sukoba, manje intriga."(That brought me inner peace—fewer unnecessary conflicts, fewer intrigues.)

Elena je prekrstila noge, dok se kroz njenu kosu presijavao odsjaj plavog neba:(Elena crossed her legs as the reflection of the blue sky shimmered in her hair:)

"I ja sam naučila slično.

(I learned something similar as well.)

Kada posmatram uspešne ljude kroz istoriju, vidim kako su znali kad da ćute, a kada da govore.

(When I observe successful people throughout history, I see how they knew when to remain silent and when to speak.)

Recimo, seti se onog starog trgovca iz Kotora, koga smo zajedno sreli prošlog leta.(For example, remember that old merchant from Kotor we met last summer.)

Pričao nam je polako o svom detinjstvu i trgovačkim podvizima, ali je pažljivo birao šta će reći o novim poslovnim dogovorima.

(He spoke to us slowly about his childhood and trading ventures, but chose carefully what to say about new business deals.)

Bio je prijatan, topao, ali nikad ti nije pokazao sve svoje karte na stolu.

(He was pleasant, warm, but he never showed you all his cards.)

A to mu je pomoglo da sačuva stabilnost i mir."

(And that helped him maintain stability and peace.)

Dejan se nasmejao setno:

(Dejan smiled wistfully:)

"Ili se seti mog prijatelja iz Čikaga, jednog investitora.

(Or think of my friend from Chicago, an investor.)

On mi je jednom rekao: 'Ako previše govorim o svojim idejama, ljudi će se ili smejati ili pokušati da ih ukradu.

(He once told me, ‘If I talk too much about my ideas, people will either laugh or try to steal them.)

Zašto da ih hranim nepotrebnim informacijama?'

(Why should I feed them unnecessary information?’)

Ta njegova 'skrivenost' nije bila puki strah, već način da usmeri energiju tamo gde je treba, umesto da je prosipa na prazno."

(His ‘secrecy’ wasn’t mere fear, but a way to direct his energy where it was needed, instead of wasting it.)

Elena je prstima lagano tapkala po stolu, kao da prati neku nečujnu melodiju:(Elena lightly tapped her fingers on the table, as if following a silent melody:)

"Upravo to.


Slično je i sa svakodnevnim situacijama.

(It’s similar in everyday situations as well.)

Često, kada pričamo o svojim slabostima ili nesigurnostima, možda neočekivano dajemo drugima oružje protiv sebe.

(Often, when we talk about our weaknesses or insecurities, we may unexpectedly give others a weapon against us.)

Čula sam nedavno priču o ženi iz Podgorice, koja je svima pričala o svojim ličnim problemima sa novcem.

(I recently heard a story about a woman from Podgorica who told everyone about her personal financial problems.)

Na kraju, našli su se ljudi koji su tu muku iskoristili da je ismeju, umesto da je razumeju.

(In the end, there were people who took advantage of her hardship to mock her rather than understand her.)

Da je bila malo skromnija u otkrivanju detalja, možda bi izbegla tu neprijatnost."(Had she been a bit more modest in revealing the details, she might have avoided that unpleasantness.)

Dejan je pročistio grlo, naklonio se malo napred i zagledao u Elenu:

(Dejan cleared his throat, leaned forward slightly, and looked at Elena:)

"Ne kažem da treba biti zatvoren kao školjka.

(I’m not saying we should be closed like a clam.)

To nikome ne pomaže.

(That helps no one.)

Ali, kao što si ti naučila da vidiš smisao u ciklusima istorije i da izvučeš ono najbolje iz suprotstavljenih pojava, tako i ja sada znam da biram šta i kome govorim.

(But just as you learned to see meaning in historical cycles and to draw the best from opposing phenomena, so I now know how to choose what and to whom I speak.)

To je vid samokontrole, ravnoteže.

(It’s a form of self-control, of balance.)

Na kraju, to nam donosi mir.

(In the end, it brings us peace.)

Pomaže nam da budemo svesniji svojih ciljeva, da ostanemo fokusirani na ono što je važno, umesto da se saplićemo o reči i osude drugih."

(It helps us become more aware of our goals, to stay focused on what matters, rather than stumbling over others’ words and judgments.)

Elena je lagano odložila svoju šoljicu, a pogled joj je pao na maestoznu kupolu hrama:

(Elena gently set down her cup, her gaze falling on the cathedral’s majestic dome:)

"Važno je i to da nas ta mudrost čini usredsređenim.

(It’s also important that this wisdom makes us more centered.)

Kad sačuvamo deo sebe, mi zapravo jačamo svoju unutrašnju stabilnost.

(When we keep a part of ourselves hidden, we actually strengthen our inner stability.)

Ispod ovog neba, gledajući ovaj veličanstveni hram, ja osećam kako ta uravnotežena skrivenost, isprepletena s jasnoćom ciljeva, donosi spokoj.

(Under this sky, looking at this magnificent cathedral, I feel how that balanced secrecy, intertwined with clarity of purpose, brings tranquility.)

Zaista, jasnost u životu i pažnja u svakodnevnim odlukama mogu nas odvesti dalje od sujete, dalje od nepotrebne buke."

(Truly, clarity in life and attentiveness in daily decisions can lead us away from vanity, away from unnecessary noise.)

Dejan je prebacio nogu preko noge i duboko udahnuo:

(Dejan crossed one leg over the other and took a deep breath:)

"U pravu si.

(You’re right.)

Ponekad je upravo ono što ne izgovoriš ono što te spašava.

(Sometimes it’s precisely what you don’t say that saves you.)

Samo… ne treba zaboraviti da to nije hladna distanca.

(It’s just… we must not forget that this is not a cold distance.)

To je topla, ljudska mudrost – čuvati se i istovremeno razumeti druge.

(It’s warm, human wisdom—protecting yourself and understanding others at the same time.)

Na taj način naša skrivenost nije štit protiv ljudi, već protiv zlonamernih namera, protiv rasipanja energije.

(In that way, our secrecy isn’t a shield against people, but against malicious intentions, against wasted energy.)

A istovremeno, ona nas motiviše da se posvetimo onim stvarima koje su zaista vredne."

(And at the same time, it motivates us to devote ourselves to things that are truly worthwhile.)

Elena se nasmešila, osećajući da njihovi glasovi, u ovom prijatnom podgoričkom popodnevu, nose jednu tihu poruku:

(Elena smiled, feeling that their voices, in this pleasant Podgorica afternoon, carried a quiet message:)

"I evo, pogledaj nas dvoje – ti, prekaljeni biznismen koji drži u glavi sve svoje građevinske projekte, i ja, zaljubljenik u istorijske cikluse i životne pouke.

(And look at the two of us—you, a seasoned businessman who keeps all his construction projects in his head, and me, a lover of historical cycles and life’s lessons.)

Svako od nas ima svoj način da koristi razumnu skrivenost da bismo ostali verni sebi i napredovali.

(Each of us has our own way of using reasonable secrecy to remain true to ourselves and move forward.)

A pogled na hram… kao da nas podseća da su i najveće istine ponekad skrivene u tišini."

(And the view of the cathedral… as if it reminds us that even the greatest truths are sometimes hidden in silence.)

Vetrom donet miris čempresa i pomorandžinih kora sa obližnje tezge kao da je zaokružio ovu misao, dok su se njih dvoje nasmejali i nastavili tiho razgovor, ispunjen toplinom i blagom mudrošću, bez žurbe, kao da je čitavo popodne samo njihovo.

(The scent of cypress and orange peels carried by the wind from a nearby stall seemed to complete this thought, as the two of them smiled and continued their quiet conversation, filled with warmth and gentle wisdom, unhurried, as if the entire afternoon belonged solely to them.)


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