Subota ujutru, sunce obasjava tihe ulice Kotora, a ja koračam prema malom kafiču na obali.
(Saturday morning, the sun shines on the quiet streets of Kotor, and I'm walking towards a small café by the shore.)
Ovde sam se dogovorila da se nađem sa starom prijateljicom Irinom.
(Here, I arranged to meet my old friend, Irina.)
Uvek sam se radovala ovim susretima; iako smo obe davno u Crnoj Gori, uvek ima toliko toga o čemu možemo da razgovaramo, a vreme koje provedemo zajedno je zaista dragoceno.
(I’ve always looked forward to these meetings; although we’ve both been in Montenegro for a while, there’s always so much to talk about, and the time we spend together is truly precious.)
Dok sam prilazila kafani, videla sam Irinu kako maše sa širokim osmehom na licu.(As I approached the café, I saw Irina waving with a big smile on her face.)
„Evo te, draga moja!” - uzviknula je čim me ugledala.
("There you are, my dear!" she exclaimed as soon as she saw me.)
Zagrlile smo se čvrsto, kao da je prošlo više godina od poslednjeg susreta.
(We hugged tightly, as if it had been years since we last met.)
„Pa, kako si? Šta ima novo?” - upitala sam, znajući da će ona odmah početi sa pričom, jer Irinu oduvek krasi takav duh - otvoren, pričljiv i uvek pun života.
("So, how are you? What's new?" I asked, knowing she’d start talking right away, as Irina has always had that kind of spirit - open, talkative, and always full of life.)
Ona uzdahnu i odmah krene: „Ah, da ti pričam! Sergej, znaš, stalno u tim komandirovkama. Njegov posao je postao ozbiljniji, a to znači da je često na putu, gotovo svake nedelje.”
(She sighed and began: "Ah, let me tell you! Sergej, you know, he's always on business trips. His job has become more serious, which means he's often on the road, almost every week.")
Pogledala sam je sa razumevanjem. „Je li i dalje u Moskvi ili je i van zemlje?”
(I looked at her with understanding. "Is he still in Moscow or is he going abroad too?")
„Sad je svuda,” - odgovorila je. „Prošlog meseca bio je u Nemačkoj, a sledeće nedelje ide za Francusku. Njegova žena, Nataša, ostala je sama s decom i mora da se snalazi kako zna i ume.”
("Now he’s everywhere," she replied. "Last month he was in Germany, and next week he's going to France. His wife, Natasha, is left alone with the kids and has to manage as best as she can.")
Promešala je kafu, a onda, kao da mi čita misli, dodala: „Znaš, stvarno joj nije lako. Katarina je tek napunila tri godine, a Nikola još nije počeo da hoda, mali je zapravo. Kad sam kod njih, pomažem koliko mogu, ali stvarno joj treba neko stalno da bude tu.”
(She stirred her coffee, then, as if reading my thoughts, added: "You know, it’s really not easy for her. Katarina just turned three, and Nikola hasn’t started walking yet; he's still very little. When I'm there, I help as much as I can, but she really needs someone to be there constantly.")
„Oh, Irina, stvarno je teško. Kako se Nataša snalazi sa dvoje male dece?” - upitala sam, pokušavajući da zamislim sav taj haos.
("Oh, Irina, it’s really tough. How does Natasha manage with two small children?" I asked, trying to imagine all that chaos.)
„Pa, stvarno se trudi, ali vidim da je umorna. Svakog vikenda kad Sergej nije tu, oni odu negde u prirodu da malo pobegnu od grada i da deca uživaju. Nataša kaže da im je to jedini način da na trenutak zaborave na sve brige i posvete se jedni drugima.”
("Well, she really tries, but I can see she’s tired. Every weekend when Sergej isn’t there, they go somewhere in nature to escape the city a bit and let the kids enjoy. Natasha says that it’s the only way they can forget about all worries for a moment and focus on each other.")
Nasmela sam se. „Zvuči kao divna tradicija. Gde vole da idu?”
(I smiled. "It sounds like a wonderful tradition. Where do they like to go?")
„Svaki put negde drugo, zavisi gde mogu stići s decom. Prošlog vikenda su bili na Skadarskom jezeru. Nataša mi je rekla da je Katarina bila oduševljena, trčala je okolo i smejala se. A Nikola… pa, on je spavao celo vreme u kolicima,” - smejala se Irina, a u očima joj se videla toplina dok je pričala o svojim unucima.
("Somewhere different each time, depending on where they can get to with the kids. Last weekend they went to Lake Skadar. Natasha told me that Katarina was thrilled, running around and laughing. And Nikola… well, he slept the whole time in the stroller," Irina laughed, and I could see the warmth in her eyes as she talked about her grandchildren.)
„Ponekad mislim da im ta priroda stvarno pomaže da ostanu povezani i opušteni, bez obzira na sve te komandirovke i svakodnevni stres,” dodala je. „I tako, svake nedelje po dogovoru. I znaš, Nataša mi kaže da, koliko god da je teško, ne bi menjala te trenutke ni za šta na svetu.”
("Sometimes I think that being in nature really helps them stay connected and relaxed, despite all those business trips and everyday stress," she added. "And so, every week, as planned. And you know, Natasha tells me that, no matter how hard it is, she wouldn’t trade those moments for anything in the world.")
„Potpuno je razumem,” rekla sam, prisećajući se kako su i moji roditelji uvek nalazili vremena za nas, bez obzira na sve. „Ti takođe, verujem, imaš svoje vreme s njima?”
("I completely understand her," I said, remembering how my parents always found time for us, no matter what. "You also, I believe, have your own time with them?")
„Naravno,” odgovorila je sa osmehom. „Svaka subota je moja! Kad sam tamo, donesem im ručak, igram se sa decom, i na neki način im ulepšam dan. Sergej zna da, ma gde bio, može računati na mene.”
("Of course," she replied with a smile. "Every Saturday is mine! When I’m there, I bring them lunch, play with the kids, and in some way, make their day brighter. Sergej knows that, wherever he is, he can count on me.")
Naše kafice su se već ohladile, a razgovor je leteo od teme do teme, ali ipak, u tom trenutku, obema nam je bilo jasno koliko je vreme sa porodicom dragoceno. Irinu sam videla kako svetli od ponosa i ljubavi prema svojoj porodici, i u tom trenutku, osetila sam se istinski zahvalno što imam takvu prijateljicu koja razume šta znači posvetiti se i voleti.
(Our coffees had already cooled, and the conversation flowed from topic to topic, but in that moment, we both understood how precious family time really is. I saw Irina glowing with pride and love for her family, and in that moment, I felt truly grateful to have such a friend who understands what it means to be dedicated and to love.)
„Znaš, uvek mi je bilo čudno kako se brzo prilagodila svim tim obavezama,” rekla je Irina, zamišljeno gledajući kroz prozor.
("You know, I’ve always found it strange how quickly she adapted to all those responsibilities," Irina said, looking thoughtfully out the window.)
„I stvarno se ne žali?” pitala sam, podižući obrve.
("And she really doesn’t complain?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.)
„Ne, niti jednom se nije požalila,” odgovorila je Irina sa blagim osmehom. „Kaže da su to samo faze u životu i da će sve proći.”
("No, she hasn’t complained even once," Irina replied with a gentle smile. "She says these are just phases in life and that everything will pass.")
„Zvuči kao da je zaista jaka,” primetila sam.
("She sounds like she’s really strong," I remarked.)
Irina klimnu glavom. „Da, jeste. I znaš šta mi je rekla? 'Mama, ti si mi pokazala kako da budem jaka. Kad god mi je teško, setim se tebe i to mi daje snagu.’”
(Irina nodded. "Yes, she is. And you know what she told me? 'Mom, you showed me how to be strong. Whenever things get tough, I think of you, and it gives me strength.’")
Nasmejala sam se i dotakla Irininu ruku. „Mislim da je mnogo toga naučila od tebe.”
("I smiled and touched Irina's hand. "I think she’s learned a lot from you.")
Irina uzdahnu, smeškajući se setno. „Ponekad se zapitam da li sam im dala dovoljno ljubavi, pored svega što sam ih učila.”
(Irina sighed, smiling nostalgically. "Sometimes I wonder if I gave them enough love, alongside everything I taught them.")
„Nema sumnje u to, Irina,” rekla sam, ozbiljno je gledajući u oči. „Ljubav koju si im dala vidi se u svakoj njihovoj reči i postupku.”
("There’s no doubt about that, Irina," I said, looking at her seriously. "The love you gave them shows in every word and action of theirs.")
Irina se osmehnula, zahvalno me gledajući. „Hvala ti što si me podsetila na to.”
("Irina smiled, looking at me gratefully. "Thank you for reminding me of that.")
„Za to i služe prijatelji, zar ne?” nasmejala sam se, osećajući toplinu u srcu.("That’s what friends are for, right?" I laughed, feeling warmth in my heart.)
„Apsolutno,” klimnula je Irina. „Bez prijatelja, mnoge stvari bi bile mnogo teže.”
("Absolutely," Irina nodded. "Without friends, many things would be so much harder.")
Ostale smo tako još neko vreme, ćaskajući o svemu i svačemu, osećajući zahvalnost za te trenutke koje smo mogle podeliti.
(We stayed like that for a while, chatting about everything and anything, feeling grateful for these moments we could share.)