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Potential Mood (Potencijal) in Serbian: A Simple Guide for a 12-Year-Old

Writer's picture: elenaburanelenaburan

Thomas: Hey guys, I’ve been thinking – what if we create an adventure game where players learn about natural phenomena while solving puzzles?

Hej, drugari, razmišljao sam – šta ako napravimo avanturističku igru u kojoj igrači uče o prirodnim pojavama dok rešavaju zagonetke?

Nikola: That sounds interesting! What kind of adventure are you imagining?

To zvuči zanimljivo! Kakvu avanturu zamišljaš?

Milana: Yeah, and how would the learning part work?

Da, i kako bi taj edukativni deo funkcionisao?

Thomas: Well, imagine a young scientist exploring a mysterious island where strange weather patterns happen. Players would have to investigate and understand natural events like tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.

Pa, zamislite mladog naučnika koji istražuje misteriozno ostrvo gde se dešavaju čudni vremenski fenomeni. Igrači bi morali da istražuju i razumeju prirodne pojave poput tornada, zemljotresa i vulkanskih erupcija.

Nikola: Cool! Maybe they could use real scientific instruments, like a barometer or a seismograph.

Kul! Možda bi mogli da koriste prave naučne instrumente, kao što su barometar ili seizmograf.

Milana: And what about the story? Should there be a mystery to solve?

A šta je sa pričom? Da li bi trebalo da postoji neka misterija za rešavanje?

Thomas: Definitely! Maybe the island was once home to an ancient civilization that predicted these natural disasters. Players have to decode their messages to understand the patterns and escape before a big catastrophe happens.

Definitivno! Možda je ostrvo nekada bilo dom drevne civilizacije koja je predviđala ove prirodne katastrofe. Igrači moraju da dešifruju njihove poruke kako bi razumeli obrasce i pobegli pre nego što se desi velika katastrofa.

Nikola: That’s awesome! We could also include some interactive experiments, like simulating an earthquake or making a tornado in a lab.

To je sjajno! Mogli bismo da ubacimo i interaktivne eksperimente, kao što su simulacija zemljotresa ili pravljenje tornada u laboratoriji.

Milana: And different locations on the island could have different challenges! Like a cave with strange echoes explaining how sound waves work.

I različite lokacije na ostrvu bi mogle imati različite izazove! Na primer, pećina sa čudnim odjecima koja objašnjava kako zvučni talasi funkcionišu.

Thomas: Exactly! And the player has to collect clues and tools while learning real science. That way, it’s fun and educational!

Upravo tako! I igrač mora da sakuplja tragove i alate dok uči pravu nauku. Tako je i zabavno i edukativno!

Nikola: Let’s start sketching out the levels and puzzles!

Hajde da počnemo da skiciramo nivoe i zagonetke!

Milana: Yes! This could be an amazing game!

Da! Ovo bi mogla biti neverovatna igra!


Potential Mood (Potencijal) in Serbian: A Simple Guide for a 12-Year-Old

The potential mood (potencijal) in Serbian is used to express possibility, probability, or polite requests. It is similar to "could, would, might" in English.

1. How to Form the Potential Mood

It is formed using the auxiliary verb "biti" in its conditional form (bih, bi, bi, bismo, biste, bi) + the past participle (L-form) of the main verb.

Conjugation of "biti" in the Potential Mood





bih (I would)

bismo (We would)


bi (You would)

biste (You all would)


bi (He/she/it would)

bi (They would)

Example with the verb "moći" (to be able to):





Ja bih mogao/mogla. (I could.)

Mi bismo mogli/mogle. (We could.)


Ti bi mogao/mogla. (You could.)

*Vi biste mogli/mogle. (You all could.)


On/ona/ono bi mogao/mogla/moglo.  (He/she/it could.)

Oni/one/ona bi mogli/mogle/mogla. (They could.)

Important: The past participle (L-form) must match the gender and number of the subject. For example, mogao (male), mogla (female), mogli (plural male/mixed group), mogle (plural female).

2. When Do We Use the Potential Mood?

Expressing possibility or probability (could, might):

  • Moglo bi da pada kiša. (It might rain.)

  • On bi mogao da dođe kasnije. (He could come later.)

Polite requests or suggestions (would, could):

  • Da li biste mogli da mi pomognete? (Could you help me?)

  • Bih li mogao da postavim pitanje? (Could I ask a question?)

Wishes or hypothetical situations (would):

  • Ja bih voleo da putujem po svetu. (I would love to travel the world.)

  • Bilo bi lepo da imamo više vremena. (It would be nice if we had more time.)

Giving advice or recommendations (should, ought to):

  • Ti bi trebalo da učiš više. (You should study more.)

  • Bismo mogli da napišemo knjigu. (We could write a book.)

3. Difference Between Potential Mood and Conditional Sentences

Sometimes, people confuse the potential mood with conditional sentences.The key difference:

  • The potential mood expresses possibility or probability.

  • The conditional mood is used in if-clauses (hypothetical situations).

🔹 Example (Conditional Sentence – NOT Potential Mood!):

  • Ako bih imao više vremena, učio bih srpski svaki dan. (If I had more time, I would study Serbian every day.)

  • Da si došao ranije, video bi predstavu. (If you had come earlier, you would have seen the play.)

Here, "bih imao" (had) and "bi učio" (would study) create a conditional structure.

4. Most Common Verbs in the Potential Mood

Here are some useful verbs in the potential mood:


1st Person Singular (Male)

1st Person Plural (Male)

moći (can)

bih mogao (I could)

bismo mogli (We could)

želeti (want)

bih želeo (I would like)

bismo želeli (We would like)

voleti (love)

bih voleo (I would love)

bismo voleli (We would love)

znati (know)

bih znao (I would know)

bismo znali (We would know)

trebati (need to)

bih trebao (I should)

bismo trebali (We should)

imati (have)

bih imao (I would have)

bismo imali (We would have)

5. Examples from Our Dialogue

Now, let’s see where the potential mood was used in our dialogue:

  1. Mogli bismo da ubacimo interaktivne eksperimente. (We could add interactive experiments.)→ bismo + mogli = possibility.

  2. Možda bi mogli da koriste prave naučne instrumente. (Maybe they could use real scientific instruments.)→ bi + mogli = expressing possibility.

  3. Bilo bi lepo da imamo različite izazove. (It would be nice to have different challenges.)→ bi + bilo = hypothetical situation.

  4. Šta bi trebalo da uradimo sledeće? (What should we do next?)→ bi trebalo = giving advice.

6. Quick Exercise

👉 Try to complete these sentences using the potential mood:

  1. Ja ____ voleo da igram tu igru. (I would love to play that game.)

  2. Mi ____ mogli da napravimo bolju verziju. (We could make a better version.)

  3. Šta ____ trebalo da uradimo sledeće? (What should we do next?)


The potential mood in Serbian is similar to "could, would, might" in English.

  • It uses "bi" + past participle (L-form).

  • It helps express possibility, polite requests, hypothetical situations, and advice.


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