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Za sve vas koji razmišljate o karijeri pilota

Updated: Nov 28

Zdravo svima! (Hello everyone!) Ja sam Marko, student prve godine na akademiji za pilote u Srbiji. (I am Marko, a first-year student at the pilot academy in Serbia.) Studiram u Beogradu, gde je jedna od najboljih akademija na Balkanu za obuku budućih pilota. (I study in Belgrade, where one of the best pilot training academies in the Balkans is located.)

Od malih nogu sanjao sam o tome da letim visoko iznad oblaka i gledam svet iz ptičje perspektive, pa me ni težina studija ne plaši – iako, iskreno, nije baš lako! (Since I was young, I dreamed of flying high above the clouds and seeing the world from a bird's perspective, so I’m not afraid of the difficulty of my studies – though, honestly, it’s not exactly easy!)

Moram priznati da su mi školski predmeti kao što su fizika i matematika stvarno pomogli. (I have to admit that school subjects like physics and mathematics have really helped me.) Fizika je osnova svega što radimo – od aerodinamike do razumevanja kako funkcionišu instrumenti u kabini. (Physics is the foundation of everything we do – from aerodynamics to understanding how the instruments in the cockpit work.)

Bez dobre osnove u matematici i fizičkim zakonima, mnoge stvari bi mi bile komplikovane. (Without a solid foundation in mathematics and physical laws, many things would be complicated for me.) Recimo, kada učimo o brzini vetra, pritiscima i visini, sve je to povezano sa fizikom i matematikom koje smo učili u školi. (For instance, when we learn about wind speed, pressures, and altitude, it’s all related to the physics and math we studied in school.)

I geografija mi je dosta korisna jer kao pilot treba da znam kako se snalaziti u prostoru i prepoznajem važne karakteristike terena. (Geography is also quite useful because, as a pilot, I need to know how to navigate and recognize important terrain features.) Na primer, kada prelazimo preko planina ili mora, uvek se oslanjamo na znanje o geografiji i navigaciji. (For example, when crossing mountains or seas, we always rely on knowledge of geography and navigation.)

Čak i biologija može biti korisna – moraš da razumeš kako tvoje telo reaguje na visinu i različite pritiske. (Even biology can be helpful – you need to understand how your body reacts to altitude and different pressures.)

Strani jezici su takođe neizostavni. (Foreign languages are also essential.) Na akademiji učimo engleski, koji je jezik vazduhoplovstva. (At the academy, we study English, which is the language of aviation.) Svaka komanda u avionu, komunikacija sa kontrolom leta – sve je na engleskom. (Every command in the plane, communication with air traffic control – it’s all in English.) Ako planiraš da budeš pilot, moj savet je da počneš da se spremaš za engleski što ranije. (If you plan to become a pilot, my advice is to start preparing for English as early as possible.)

Za sve vas koji razmišljate o karijeri pilota, savetujem da budete strpljivi i uporni. (For all of you thinking about a career as a pilot, I advise you to be patient and persistent.) Prvi korak može biti prijava na akademiju u Srbiji ili, ako živite u Crnoj Gori, možete razmisliti o tome da prvo završite vojnu školu jer su vojni piloti često među najbolje obučenima. (The first step could be applying to an academy in Serbia, or, if you live in Montenegro, consider first going to a military school since military pilots are often among the best trained.)

Takođe, postoji opcija da idete na akademije u susednim zemljama poput Hrvatske ili Bosne, gde takođe postoje dobri programi. (There is also the option to attend academies in neighboring countries like Croatia or Bosnia, where there are also good programs.)

Najvažnije je da verujete u sebe i da se nikada ne predajete. (The most important thing is to believe in yourself and never give up.) Put do pilota nije lak, ali kad jednom sednete u kabinu aviona, sve to postaje vredno truda. (The path to becoming a pilot isn’t easy, but once you sit in the cockpit, it all becomes worth the effort.) Srećno i vidimo se na nebu! (Good luck, and see you in the skies!)

Student: Zdravo, profesore! Hteo bih da porazgovaram o sledećem ispitu. (Hello, Professor! I’d like to talk about the upcoming exam.)

Profesor: Zdravo, Marko! Naravno, slobodno pitaj šta te zanima. (Hello, Marko! Of course, feel free to ask whatever you need.)

Student: Hteo bih da znam da li će ispit pokriti sve oblasti koje smo radili ove godine ili će biti fokus samo na poslednje lekcije? (I’d like to know if the exam will cover all the areas we studied this year, or if it will focus only on the recent lessons?)

Profesor: Ispit će obuhvatiti glavne teme koje smo radili tokom cele godine, ali će posebna pažnja biti posvećena poslednjim lekcijama. (The exam will cover the main topics we studied throughout the year, but special attention will be given to the recent lessons.)

Student: Hvala, to mi puno znači. Još jedno pitanje – da li ćete nam dati primere pitanja za vežbu? (Thank you, that means a lot to me. One more question – will you provide us with sample questions for practice?)

Profesor: Da, poslaću vam primere pitanja do kraja nedelje. To će vam pomoći da se bolje pripremite. (Yes, I’ll send you sample questions by the end of the week. That will help you prepare better.)

Student: Sjajno! Takođe, imam malo problema sa razumevanjem aerodinamike. Postoje li dodatni materijali ili vežbe koje bih mogao da koristim? (Great! Also, I’m having some trouble understanding aerodynamics. Are there any additional materials or exercises I could use?)

Profesor: Naravno, Marko. Poslaću ti nekoliko preporuka za knjige i video materijale koji objašnjavaju osnove aerodinamike. (Of course, Marko. I’ll send you a few recommendations for books and video materials that explain the basics of aerodynamics.)

Student: To bi bilo od velike pomoći, hvala vam puno! (That would be really helpful, thank you very much!)

Profesor: Nema na čemu! Ako budeš imao još pitanja, slobodno dođi u kancelariju. Uvek sam tu da pomognem studentima. (You’re welcome! If you have more questions, feel free to come to my office. I’m always here to help students.)

Student: Hvala još jednom, profesore! Vidimo se na predavanju! (Thanks again, Professor! See you in class!)

Profesor: Vidimo se, Marko! Srećno s pripremama! (See you, Marko! Good luck with your preparations!)


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