An Influential Person
“John Nash”
Jonathan Cross
Duke University

After Spending A week with John Nash, I may have stumbled upon a central purpose of my life. Well, not Nobel Laureate John Nash himself, but whenever I describe Fred, their characteristics seem quite parallel. Fred is unique, possessing an indomitable spirit to fulfill his dreams without fear of failure. Not only is he the most brilliant young man I have ever met, he exhibits a genuinely compassionate heart. Sadly, many people may never recognize Fred as the beautiful individual that he is, or what he has to offer. While our society may call him “challenged,” I have come to recognize him as an unexpected role model.
For Fred, you see, is autistic. He does not interact well with people, and is often unable to express his thoughts clearly or articulately. He doesn’t understand why people laugh at him. Yet even so, Fred is blessed with an acute sense of purpose and caring that is unmatched by most—including perhaps even the most altruistic among us.
Several years ago, I traveled with a small group of Fairfax County high school students to Portland, Oregon to compete as a Finalist in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. I was excited at what was certain to be an experience of a lifetime—having no clue that the most valuable lesson would come not from the Science Fair itself, but from Fred. Because of my prior experiences in working with special needs children, the school administrators asked me to room with Fred during the trip. I distinctly recall my initial anxiety and reluctance about the prospect of taking care of another individual during the stressful, high-pressure atmosphere of the competition. In retrospect, though, this was the beginning of an incredible journey for both of us—but especially for me.
Fred’s passion—actually more of an obsession—is theoretical mathematics. He eats, breathes, talks, and probably sleeps mathematics, to the point where he annoys others by his constant chatter about it. His idea of fun is solving differential equations on a napkin in a fancy restaurant, oblivious to others wanting to socialize or relax. That Fred is brilliant is unquestioned, a fact that was clearly evidenced in his science project, where he solved a math problem previously believed by experts to be insolvable. Yet in his own mind, Fred firmly believed his entire raison d’etre in life was the pursuit of math—and that he was destined to use his incredible mathematical ability to help make the world better.
However, Fred’s disabilities were only a fraction of the challenges that faced him. Growing up in a dysfunctional home, he suffered from a lack of love and patient understanding. Still, Fred’s life revolved around his relationships and mathematics. Although he has few close friends, people are indescribably important to him, and he always treated them with sensitivity and compassion. Unfortunately, some people—including but not limited to his peers (who can sometimes be quite cruel)— are unable to set aside their prejudices long enough to see his uniqueness as the incredible gift that it is. His enthusiasm and his indomitable spirit in the face of adversity taught me valuable lessons—lessons I will carry with me for the rest of my life. He taught me to live for what you truly cherish, to be passionate about your dreams, and to always smile in both the service of others and adversity. He has shown me the truest meaning of love for others, and the ability to understand and always live for what is important. A trip that started with me “taking care of him” turned into a trip of substantial personal discovery.
Children with special needs have powerful talents, and if we could only open our hearts to hear their voices, we would learn what it means to live without conventional boundaries. I have lived a week with a genius, not only of the mind, but more importantly, of the heart—and my life has been permanently changed because of Fred.
An Influential Person
Утицајна особа
“John Nash”
„Џон Неш”
Jonathan Cross
Џонатан Крос
Duke University
Универзитет Дуке
After Spending A week with John Nash, I may have stumbled upon a central purpose of my life. Well, not Nobel Laureate John Nash himself, but whenever I describe Fred, their characteristics seem quite parallel.
Након што сам провео недељу дана са Џоном Нешом, можда сам наишао на централну сврху свог живота. Па, није сам нобеловац Џон Неш, али кад год описујем Фреда, њихове карактеристике изгледају прилично паралелне.
Fred is unique, possessing an indomitable spirit to fulfill his dreams without fear of failure.
Фред је јединствен, поседује несаломив дух да испуни своје снове без страха од неуспеха.
Not only is he the most brilliant young man I have ever met, he exhibits a genuinely compassionate heart.
Не само да је он најбриљантнији младић којег сам икада упознао, он показује искрено саосећајно срце.
Sadly, many people may never recognize Fred as the beautiful individual that he is, or what he has to offer. While our society may call him “challenged,” I have come to recognize him as an unexpected role model.
Нажалост, многи људи можда никада неће препознати Фреда као прелепу индивидуу која јесте или оно што има да понуди. Иако га наше друштво може назвати „изазовом“, препознао сам га као неочекивани узор.
For Fred, you see, is autistic. He does not interact well with people, and is often unable to express his thoughts clearly or articulately. He doesn’t understand why people laugh at him.
Јер Фред је, видите, аутистичан. Не комуницира добро са људима и често није у стању да изрази своје мисли јасно или артикулисано. Не разуме зашто му се људи смеју.
Yet even so, Fred is blessed with an acute sense of purpose and caring that is unmatched by most—including perhaps even the most altruistic among us.
Ипак, и поред тога, Фред је благословен акутним осећајем сврхе и бригом којој већина нема пара — укључујући можда чак и најалтруистичније међу нама.
Several years ago, I traveled with a small group of Fairfax County high school students to Portland, Oregon to compete as a Finalist in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.
Пре неколико година, путовао сам са малом групом средњошколаца округа Ферфакс у Портланд, Орегон да бих се такмичио као финалиста на Интеловом међународном сајму науке и инжењерства.
I was excited at what was certain to be an experience of a lifetime—having no clue that the most valuable lesson would come not from the Science Fair itself, but from Fred.
Био сам узбуђен због нечега што ће сигурно бити животно искуство — нисам знао да ће највреднија лекција доћи не са самог Сајма науке, већ од Фреда.
Because of my prior experiences in working with special needs children, the school administrators asked me to room with Fred during the trip.
Због мојих претходних искустава у раду са децом са посебним потребама, школски администратори су ме замолили да будем у соби са Фредом током путовања.
I distinctly recall my initial anxiety and reluctance about the prospect of taking care of another individual during the stressful, high-pressure atmosphere of the competition.
Јасно се сећам своје почетне анксиозности и невољности у погледу могућности да се бринем о другом појединцу током стресне атмосфере високог притиска такмичења.
In retrospect, though, this was the beginning of an incredible journey for both of us—but especially for me.
Међутим, гледајући уназад, ово је био почетак невероватног путовања за нас обоје — али посебно за мене.
Fred’s passion—actually more of an obsession—is theoretical mathematics. He eats, breathes, talks, and probably sleeps mathematics, to the point where he annoys others by his constant chatter about it.
Фредова страст - заправо више опсесија - је теоријска математика. Он једе, дише, прича, а вероватно и спава математику, до те мере да нервира друге својим сталним брбљањем о томе.
His idea of fun is solving differential equations on a napkin in a fancy restaurant, oblivious to others wanting to socialize or relax.
Његова идеја забаве је решавање диференцијалних једначина на салвети у отмјеном ресторану, несвестан других који желе да се друже или опусте.
That Fred is brilliant is unquestioned, a fact that was clearly evidenced in his science project, where he solved a math problem previously believed by experts to be insolvable.
Да је Фред бриљантан је несумњиво, чињеница која је јасно доказана у његовом научном пројекту, где је решио математички проблем за који су стручњаци раније веровали да је нерешив.
Yet in his own mind, Fred firmly believed his entire raison d’etre in life was the pursuit of math—and that he was destined to use his incredible mathematical ability to help make the world better.
Ипак, у сопственом уму, Фред је чврсто веровао да је читав његов раисон д’етре у животу био потрага за математиком – и да му је суђено да искористи своју невероватну математичку способност да помогне да свет буде бољи.
However, Fred’s disabilities were only a fraction of the challenges that faced him. Growing up in a dysfunctional home, he suffered from a lack of love and patient understanding.
Међутим, Фредов инвалидитет је био само делић изазова са којима се суочио. Одрастајући у нефункционалном дому, патио је од недостатка љубави и стрпљивог разумевања.
Still, Fred’s life revolved around his relationships and mathematics. Although he has few close friends, people are indescribably important to him, and he always treated them with sensitivity and compassion.
Ипак, Фредов живот се вртео око његових односа и математике. Иако има мало блиских пријатеља, људи су му неописиво важни и увек се према њима односио са осећајношћу и саосећањем.
Unfortunately, some people—including but not limited to his peers (who can sometimes be quite cruel)— are unable to set aside their prejudices long enough to see his uniqueness as the incredible gift that it is.
Нажалост, неки људи — укључујући, али не ограничавајући се на његове вршњаке (који понекад могу бити прилично окрутни) — нису у стању да оставе по страни своје предрасуде довољно дуго да виде његову јединственост као невероватан дар какав јесте.
His enthusiasm and his indomitable spirit in the face of adversity taught me valuable lessons—lessons I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
Његов ентузијазам и његов несаломиви дух суочен са недаћама научили су ме вредним лекцијама — лекцијама које ћу носити са собом до краја живота.
He taught me to live for what you truly cherish, to be passionate about your dreams, and to always smile in both the service of others and adversity.
Научио ме је да живим за оно што заиста цениш, да будем страствен према својим сновима и да се увек смешим у служби других и у невољама.
He has shown me the truest meaning of love for others, and the ability to understand and always live for what is important.
Показао ми је право значење љубави према другима и способност да разумем и увек живим за оно што је важно.
A trip that started with me “taking care of him” turned into a trip of substantial personal discovery.
Путовање које је почело тако што сам ја „бринуло о њему“ претворило се у путовање значајног личног открића.
Children with special needs have powerful talents, and if we could only open our hearts to hear their voices, we would learn what it means to live without conventional boundaries.
Деца са посебним потребама имају моћне таленте, и када бисмо само могли да отворимо своја срца да чујемо њихов глас, научили бисмо шта значи живети без конвенционалних граница.
I have lived a week with a genius, not only of the mind, but more importantly, of the heart—and my life has been permanently changed because of Fred.
Живео сам недељу дана са генијем, не само ума, већ, што је још важније, срца — и мој живот се трајно променио због Фреда.