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Разговор о вину / Вежбајте енглески

Writer's picture: Тимофей МилорадовичТимофей Милорадович

Updated: Oct 6, 2022

When I take a sip of Sicilian wine, I have a unique sensation. I feel a warm ray of joy rising from the region of my heart to my face and making me smile. I rejoice every time I take my first sip of Sicilian wine. It is not like the first sip of another Italian wine, which can be excellent, it lies down with soft warmth, gently envelops, warms. But this ray of joy from the region of the heart to the face gives only Sicilian wine. And then this feeling pours out with the second and third wave of tender joy somewhere upward, such overflows of joy, make a person light. And this is not just my feelings, I asked others, they feel the same.

And we have tried to figure it out many times. For example, when we drank medium quality French wine that can be freely purchased in the store, at the same price as Sicilian and Italian wine, then French wine of the same category gives a completely different feeling. French wine floats somewhere on the outward level of sensation, without going inward, and you just try to cope with the wave that French wine causes externally, but it doesn't touch you internally. While Sicilian wine does not in any way limit the range of external sensations, it gives maximum freedom and lightness, just enjoy from the inside. I would say that Sicilian wine is like a spiritual balm. French wine is more of a passion. Continental Italian wine is, perhaps, tender, like a mother. But Sicilian wine gathers you and focuses you on the main joy, deeper and invigorates you, making you light.

But I know very well that Sicilian wine can be different, there are many varieties, each with its own history. And this is all the more surprising because all Sicilian wine gives a feeling of joy and lightness from the inside. For me, it was a bit of a mystery, I wanted to try varieties of Sicilian wine and see the difference. Now I can say that, yes, it is different, but it has exactly this common property: joy from within, warmth, invigorating, not awkward. I think this is probably due not even to the grape variety, but to the energy of the people who make the wine. Because each of our work carries a charge of energy that we transfer to it. We ask a Sicilian connoisseur about Sicilian wine, because Sicily is his home, Nicolò Reina, the manager of the Custonaci Tourist Office.

- Hi, Nicolo.

- Hello Elena.

- Nicolo, wine is the important part of people's culture. The Holy Scriptures speak many times of wine, it is a very symbolic and useful product. I assume that wine has been a treasure of Sicilian culture since ancient times, what is known?

- Elena, you're right, wine is a very important part of people's culture. The remains found in the areas of Mount Kronio (Sciacca) and Sant'Ippolito (Caltagirone) are at least 6,000 years old. That is, the wine of Sicily is one of the oldest on earth. The technology of making wine makes it a part of our life for a long time. The wine remains with us for several years, and in the same containers we plant a new harvest, and this is how the continuity of cultural traditions is achieved. Wine accompanies us in joy and difficulty, we obviously transmit the spiritual meanings of the events of our life to the wine. This can be felt when taking a sip of wine, although I admit that different people may perceive it differently. What do you think is the most impressive wine of Sicily?

- I think, of course, Nero D'Avola. This is an extraordinary wine, it really thrills the heart with its deep intonations and overflows with taste, color and aroma. Avola is located in the south-east of Sicily in the province of Syracuse.

- Yes, yes. I remember this wine very well, this is a true volcano of taste, a powerful wave of energy pours into you with every sip, freeing you from worries. You find yourself in another dimension of life after taking a sip of Nero. It remains in your attention, like a good conversationalist, and does not let you go.

- Probably yes. But you know that there are other excellent wines from the grapes that grow on the slopes of Etna. Obviously Etna gives the grapes both a richness of taste, since the slopes of the volcano have an extremely rich soil, and a sparkling energy. Etna attracts people from all over the world like a magnet, with its beauty and its powerful energy. Etna is like an affectionate mother, it gives us joy, gladdens our heart and enriches our land. I fully understand that this is passed on to the wines we make and drink. Spiritually, this is a single cultural whole: our land, our vine cultivation and wine. On the slopes of Etna are also grown Nerello Mascalese and Nerello Cappuccio, red grapes, they are beautiful. But there are also some amazing white grapes that can give you that feeling of radiant joy from within, you described. This is the Carricante. And there are, of course, this wonderful wine of the Grillo and Catarratto varieties.

- You know, I wasn't a big fan of white wines until I tasted Sicilian wines. Grillo and Catarratto are truly fantastic, unique, unlike anything else. You cannot forget the taste of these wines, everything else vanishes.

- This is probably the case, because Catarratto often becomes a part of the composition of continental Italian wines. Today, the province of Trapani alone produces 10% of Italian wine, although only 20% is labeled as Sicilian.

- Since wine is an important component of people's culture, the history of wine probably reflects the history of this land as a whole. What do you say?

- This is fair enough. I think some of the grapes were brought by the Phoenicians in the 8th-7th century BC. Along with this, some secrets of winemaking probably arrived. It must be understood that there are many vines in Sicily, western vines differ from oriental ones. In eastern Sicily, from the VII-VI century BC, the Greek methods of viticulture "alberello" spread. Since then, wine has been produced in a traditional way for centuries. Furthermore, no doubt, the Byzantine culture has made a great contribution to the development of winemaking in Sicily.

Subsequently, as an industry, winemaking also had significant events, such as the birth of Marsala wine. In 1773, the Englishman Woodhouse landed at the port of Marsala, tasted Sicilian wine and began to experiment with it, adding his secrets on how to make wine stronger, for the more northerly populations this is relevant. Since then, Marsala wine has been a brilliant branch of winemaking. It has its own secrets of craftsmanship and wonderful properties of wine. Wine has been the main medicine for centuries and new wine varieties have emerged. Marsala was the first DOC wine in Italian wine history. Since then, the wine has clearly stood out for its place of origin, it is so important which land and whose hands produced it.

- Does this mean that wine is a symbol of Sicilian prosperity?

- Wine is more of a witness to the development of Sicily. In the first half of the twentieth century, like all agriculture, viticulture experienced difficult times. Working with the land requires constant attention and calmness, the twentieth century with its wars did not contribute to this. However, in the 50s of the 20th century, individual winemakers joined together in cooperatives and created large wineries. Since then, the Settesoli di Menfi Winery and the Trapani Cooperative Winery have survived. Anyone who comes to our Tourist Office in Custonaci can get to know our wine. Since the 70s, we can speak of a rebirth of the traditions of agriculture and winemaking in Sicily. Today, the industry is made up of millions of hectoliters of wine from around 110 thousand hectares of vineyards. But despite industrial development, we keep wine as our value, transferring the energy of our heart to it.

- Thanks, Nicolò. Sicilian wine for me is the best in the world.

- Thanks, Elena, we're trying.

When I take a sip of Sicilian wine, I have a unique sensation. I feel a warm ray of joy rising from the region of my heart to my face and making me smile.

Када попијем гутљај сицилијанског вина, доживим јединствен осећај. Осећам да се топли зрачак радости диже из предела мог срца до лица и измами ми осмех.

I rejoice every time I take my first sip of Sicilian wine.

Радујем се сваки пут када попијем први гутљај сицилијанског вина.

It is not like the first sip of another Italian wine, which can be excellent, it lies down with soft warmth, gently envelops, warms.

Ово није исто што и први гутљај другог италијанског вина, које уме да буде одлично, меком топлином лежи, нежно обавија, греје.

But this ray of joy from the region of the heart to the face gives only Sicilian wine.

Али овај зрак светле радости из предела срца до лица даје само сицилијанско вино.

And then this feeling pours out with the second and third wave of tender joy somewhere upward, such overflows of joy, make a person light.

А онда се ово осећање прелива другим и трећим таласом нежне радости у правцу негде нагоре, такви преливи светлосне радости, чине човека светлим.

And this is not just my feelings, I asked others, they feel the same. И нису то само моја осећања, питао сам друге, они се осећају исто.

And we have tried to figure it out many times. For example, when we drank medium quality French wine that can be freely purchased in the store, at the same price as Sicilian and Italian wine, then French wine of the same category gives a completely different feeling.

И много пута смо покушавали да то схватимо. На пример, када смо пили француско вино средњег квалитета, које се слободно може купити у продавници, попут сицилијанског и италијанског вина, по истим ценама, онда француско вино исте категорије даје потпуно другачији осећај.

French wine floats somewhere on the outward level of sensation, without going inward, and you just try to cope with the wave that French wine causes externally, but it doesn't touch you internally.

Француско вино се зауставља негде на спољашњем нивоу сензација, не залазећи унутра, а ви само покушавате да се носите са таласом који француско вино изазива споља, али он не утиче на вас изнутра.

While Sicilian wine does not in any way limit the range of external sensations, it gives maximum freedom and lightness, just enjoy from the inside.

Док сицилијанско вино не ограничава спољашњи спектар сензација, оно даје максималну слободу и лакоћу, само се радујете изнутра.

I would say that Sicilian wine is like a spiritual balm. French wine is more of a passion.

Рекао бих да је сицилијанско вино као духовни мелем. Француско вино је више страст.

Continental Italian wine is, perhaps, tender, like a mother.

Копно италијанско вино је можда исто тако љубазно као и мама.

But Sicilian wine gathers you and focuses you on the main joy, deeper and invigorates you, making you light.

Али сицилијанско вино вас окупља и фокусира на главну, најдубљу радост и оживљава, чини вас лаким.

But I know very well that Sicilian wine can be different, there are many varieties, each with its own history.

Међутим, савршено добро знам да је сицилијанско вино другачије, има много сорти, свака са својом историјом.

And this is all the more surprising because all Sicilian wine gives a feeling of joy and lightness from the inside.

А ово је тим невероватније јер сва сицилијанска вина изнутра дају осећај радости и лакоће.

For me, it was a bit of a mystery, I wanted to try varieties of Sicilian wine and see the difference.

За мене је то била мала мистерија, желео сам да пробам различите сорте сицилијанског вина и видим разлику.

Now I can say that, yes, it is different, but it has exactly this common property: joy from within, warmth, invigorating, not awkward.

Сада могу да кажем да јесте, другачије је, али има управо ово заједничко својство - радост изнутра, топлину, окрепљујући, не ограничавајући вас.

I think this is probably due not even to the grape variety, but to the energy of the people who make the wine.

Мислим да то вероватно није ни због сорте грожђа, већ због енергије људи који праве вино.

Because each of our work carries a charge of energy that we transfer to it.

Јер свако наше дело носи набој енергије који му преносимо.

We ask a Sicilian connoisseur about Sicilian wine, because Sicily is his home, Nicolò Reina, the manager of the Custonaci Tourist Office.

Али, хајде да питамо за сицилијанско вино ко је познавалац Сицилије, јер је Сицилија његов дом, Николо Реjна, члан Туристичке канцеларије Кустоначи.

- Hi, Nicolo.

- Здраво, Николо.

- Hello Elena.

- Здраво, Елена.

- Nicolo, wine is the important part of people's culture. The Holy Scriptures speak many times of wine, it is a very symbolic and useful product. I assume that wine has been a treasure of Sicilian culture since ancient times, what is known?

– Николо, вино је најважнији део културе народа. Свето писмо много пута говори о вину, оно је веома симболичан и користан производ. Претпостављам да је вино богатство сицилијанске културе од антике, шта се о томе зна?

- Elena, you're right, wine is a very important part of people's culture. The remains found in the areas of Mount Kronio (Sciacca) and Sant'Ippolito (Caltagirone) are at least 6,000 years old.

- Елена, у праву си, вино је веома важан део културе народа. Остаци пронађени у областима Монте Кронио (Сциацца) и Сант'Ипполито (Цалтагироне) стари су најмање 6000 година.

That is, the wine of Sicily is one of the oldest on earth. The technology of making wine makes it a part of our life for a long time.

То јест, вино Сицилије је једно од најстаријих на земљи. Сама технологија прављења вина чини га већ дуго учесником у нашим животима.

The wine remains with us for several years, and in the same containers we plant a new harvest, and this is how the continuity of cultural traditions is achieved.

Вино остаје код нас неколико година, а у исте контејнере стављамо нову бербу и тако се остварује континуитет културне традиције.

Wine accompanies us in joy and difficulty, we obviously transmit the spiritual meanings of the events of our life to the wine.

Вино нас прати у радости и у невољи, ми, наравно, вину преносимо духовна значења догађаја нашег живота.

This can be felt when taking a sip of wine, although I admit that different people may perceive it differently.

То се осећа када се попије гутљај вина, мада признајем да различити људи то могу другачије да перципирају.

- What do you think is the most impressive wine of Sicily? - Које је по вашем мишљењу најупечатљивије вино на Сицилији?

- I think, of course, Nero D'Avola. This is an extraordinary wine, it really thrills the heart with its deep intonations and overflows with taste, color and aroma. Avola is located in the south-east of Sicily in the province of Syracuse.

- Мислим, наравно, Неро Д'Авола. Ово је невероватно вино, заиста узбуђује срце својим дубоким интонацијама и преливима укуса, боје и мириса. Авола се налази на југоистоку Сицилије у провинцији Сиракуза.

- Yes, yes. I remember this wine very well, this is a true volcano of taste, a powerful wave of energy pours into you with every sip, freeing you from worries.

- Да да. Добро се сећам овог вина, прави је вулкан укуса, моћан талас енергије се улива у вас сваким гутљајем, ослобађајући вас брига и стрепњи.

You find yourself in another dimension of life after taking a sip of Nero. It remains in your attention, like a good conversationalist, and does not let you go.

Нађете се у другој димензији живота након што попијете гутљај Неро. Држи вас у пажњи као добар саговорник и не пушта.

- Probably yes. But you know that there are other excellent wines from the grapes that grow on the slopes of Etna.

- Вероватно је тако. Али знате да постоје и друга одлична вина од грожђа које расте на обронцима Етне.

Obviously Etna gives the grapes both a richness of taste, since the slopes of the volcano have an extremely rich soil, and a sparkling energy.

Очигледно, Етна грожђу даје и богатство укуса, пошто обронци вулкана имају изузетно обогаћено тло, и блиставу енергију.

Etna attracts people from all over the world like a magnet, with its beauty and its powerful energy.

Етна својом лепотом и моћном енергијом привлачи људе из целог света као магнет.

Etna is like an affectionate mother, it gives us joy, gladdens our heart and enriches our land.

Етна, као нежна мајка, даје нам радост, весели наша срца, обогаћује наше тло.

I fully understand that this is passed on to the wines we make and drink.

Потпуно разумем да се то преноси на вина која правимо и пијемо.

Spiritually, this is a single cultural whole: our land, our vine cultivation and wine.

Духовно, ово је јединствена културна целина: наша земља, наше виноградарство и вино.

On the slopes of Etna are also grown Nerello Mascalese and Nerello Cappuccio, red grapes, they are beautiful.

На обронцима Етне узгајају се и Нерело Маскалезе и Нерело Капућио црвене сорте грожђа, лепе су.

But there are also some amazing white grapes that can give you that feeling of radiant joy from within, you described.

Али постоје и невероватне сорте белог грожђа, које, можда, дају управо онај осећај светле радости изнутра који сте описали.

This is the Carricante. And there are, of course, this wonderful wine of the Grillo and Catarratto varieties.

Ово је Карриканте. А ту је, наравно, и дивно вино од сорти Грило и Катарато.

- You know, I wasn't a big fan of white wines until I tasted Sicilian wines. Grillo and Catarratto are truly fantastic, unique, unlike anything else. You cannot forget the taste of these wines, everything else vanishes.

- Знате, нисам био велики фан бела вина док нисам пробао сицилијанска вина. Грилло и Катарратто су заиста невероватни, јединствени, за разлику од било чега другог. Не можете заборавити укус ових вина, све остало бледи.

- This is probably the case, because Catarratto often becomes a part of the composition of continental Italian wines. Today, the province of Trapani alone produces 10% of Italian wine, although only 20% is labeled as Sicilian.

- Вероватно је тако, јер Катарратто често постаје део састава копнених италијанских вина. Данас само провинција Трапани производи 10% италијанског вина, иако је само 20% означено као сицилијанско.

- Since wine is an important component of people's culture, the history of wine probably reflects the history of this land as a whole. What do you say?

– Пошто је вино важна компонента народне културе, историја вина је вероватно одражавала историју овог краја у целини. Шта кажете?

- This is fair enough. I think some of the grapes were brought by the Phoenicians in the 8th-7th century BC.

- То је сасвим поштено. Мислим да су неке сорте грожђа донели Феничани у 8-7 веку пре нове ере.

Along with this, some secrets of winemaking probably arrived. It must be understood that there are many vines in Sicily, western vines differ from oriental ones.

Упоредо са овим, вероватно су стигле и неке тајне винарства. Мора се схватити да на Сицилији постоји много сорти грожђа, западне сорте се разликују од источних.

In eastern Sicily, from the VII-VI century BC, the Greek methods of viticulture "alberello" spread.

На источној Сицилији, од 7.-6. века пре нове ере, раширили су се грчки начини производње вина, познати су под именом „алберело“.

Since then, wine has been produced in a traditional way for centuries. Furthermore, no doubt, the Byzantine culture has made a great contribution to the development of winemaking in Sicily.

Од тада се вино производи на традиционалне начине вековима. Такође, несумњиво, византијска култура је дала велики допринос развоју винарства на Сицилији.

Subsequently, as an industry, winemaking also had significant events, such as the birth of Marsala wine.

Касније, као индустрија, винарство је такође имало врхунце, као што је рођење вина Марсала.

In 1773, the Englishman Woodhouse landed at the port of Marsala, tasted Sicilian wine and began to experiment with it, adding his secrets on how to make wine stronger, for the more northerly populations this is relevant.

Године 1773, eнглез Вудхаус слетео је у луку Марсала, пробао сицилијанско вино и почео да експериментише са њим, додајући своје тајне како да вино ојача, то важи и за северније народе.

Since then, Marsala wine has been a brilliant branch of winemaking. It has its own secrets of craftsmanship and wonderful properties of wine.

Од тада је вино Марсала посебна светла грана винарства. Има своје тајне израде и дивна својства вина.

Wine has been the main medicine for centuries and new wine varieties have emerged.

Вино је вековима било главни лек, па су се појавиле нове сорте вина.

Marsala was the first DOC wine in Italian wine history. Since then, the wine has clearly stood out for its place of origin, it is so important which land and whose hands produced it.

Марсала је било прво DОC вино у историји италијанског вина. Од тада се вино јасно разликује по месту порекла, па је важно на којој земљи и чијим рукама је произведено.

- Does this mean that wine is a symbol of Sicilian prosperity?

– Да ли то значи да је вино симбол просперитета Сицилије?

- Wine is more of a witness to the development of Sicily. In the first half of the twentieth century, like all agriculture, viticulture experienced difficult times.

– Вино је више сведок развоја Сицилије. У првој половини 20. века, као и сва пољопривреда, и виноградарство је доживело тешка времена.

Working with the land requires constant attention and calmness, the twentieth century with its wars did not contribute to this.

Рад са земљом захтева сталну пажњу и смиреност, 20. век са својим ратовима није томе допринео.

However, in the 50s of the 20th century, individual winemakers joined together in cooperatives and created large wineries.

Међутим, 50-их година 20. века поједини винари су се удруживали у задруге и стварали велике винске подруме.

Since then, the Settesoli di Menfi Winery and the Trapani Cooperative Winery have survived.

Од тада су опстале винарија Сеттесоли ди Менфи и задружна винарија Трапани.

Anyone who comes to our Tourist Office in Custonaci can get to know our wine.

Свако ко дође у нашу Туристичку канцеларију Кустоначи може да упозна наше вино.

Since the 70s, we can speak of a rebirth of the traditions of agriculture and winemaking in Sicily.

Од 70-их година 20. века можемо говорити о оживљавању традиције пољопривреде и винарства на Сицилији.

Today, the industry is made up of millions of hectoliters of wine from around 110 thousand hectares of vineyards.

Данас је индустрија милионима хектолитара вина из приближно 110.000 хектара винограда.

But despite industrial development, we keep wine as our value, transferring the energy of our heart to it.

Али, упркос индустријском развоју, вино чувамо као своју вредност, преносећи на њега енергију наших срца.

- Thanks, Nicolò. Sicilian wine for me is the best in the world.

- Хвала, Николо. Вино Сицилије је за мене најбоље на свету.

- Thanks, Elena, we're trying.

- Хвала, Елена, трудимо се.


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